BurntSushi / nflfan

View your fantasy teams with nfldb using a web interface.
The Unlicense
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add tutorial for using nflfan to the wiki #1

Open lokivog opened 10 years ago

lokivog commented 10 years ago

After using a virtualenv, I was able to install and run nfldb and nflfan with very little issues. Could you publish a couple examples of querying the nflfan module through a script? Ex. would like to see how to query my roster or a specific player. I can follow the api but I'm having a hard time understanding how to initialize it with the schema.

lokivog commented 10 years ago

Nevermind, it was actually the python syntax that I was having a hard time figuring out. Downloaded Aptana and I'm able to figure it out now.

BurntSushi commented 10 years ago

I'm reopening this because there should be examples, even if you were personally able to figure it out. :-)

Note that some exist in the repository already. For example, for updating league info: https://github.com/BurntSushi/nflfan/blob/master/scripts/nflfan-update And for viewing current cached rosters: https://github.com/BurntSushi/nflfan/blob/master/scripts/nflfan-view

Of course, the ultimate example is the web server: https://github.com/BurntSushi/nflfan/blob/master/nflfan/web.py

Ideal examples ought to be presented in a tutorial in the wiki.