BurntSushi / nflgame

An API to retrieve and read NFL Game Center JSON data. It can work with real-time data, which can be used for fantasy football.
The Unlicense
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Player ESB IDs #379

Closed mrcaseb closed 4 years ago

mrcaseb commented 4 years ago

I am looking for a method to get some special NFL player information. To be precise, I want to find out what the player's corresponding esb id is via the gsis id. Or even better: I need the headshot url on nfl.com (which is built over the esb_id). If I understand this correctly, then you load the player data via the json file belonging to the package. Can you add esb_id or headshot url? Or is there a method how we can access the NFL api directly? Because I believe I need the Person domain (see https://api.nfl.com/docs/league/models/person/index.html)

BurntSushi commented 4 years ago

Before filing issues on a project, please consider reading the README first:


mrcaseb commented 4 years ago

Actually nflgame-redux is redirecting to your repo on https://pypi.org/project/nflgame-redux/ to report issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.