BurntSushi / ripgrep

ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
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Add a --pre-iglob or --pre-filename-regex parameter #1609

Open phiresky opened 4 years ago

phiresky commented 4 years ago

Currently, --pre-glob is case sensitive. Since I (and I guess most people) want case insensitive matching, my command line looks like this:

"rg" "--no-line-number" "--smart-case" "--pre" "rga-preproc" "--pre-glob" "*.{mkv,MKV,mp4,MP4,avi,AVI,epub,EPUB,odt,ODT,docx,DOCX,fb2,FB2,ipynb,IPYNB,pdf,PDF,zip,ZIP,tgz,TGZ,tbz,TBZ,tbz2,TBZ2,gz,GZ,bz2,BZ2,xz,XZ,zst,ZST,tar,TAR,db,DB,db3,DB3,sqlite,SQLITE,sqlite3,SQLITE3}" "foo"

which is kinda unweildly and will only get worse the more adapters I add - it also misses .Zip files which might be relevant for people.

I don't think there's really a common use case where this case sensitivity is wanted, but it's probably too late to change now because of backwards compatibility.

So it would be great if there was either of these options:

  1. --pre-regex to allow supplying a rust regex for extensions. This would be the most flexible.
  2. --pre-iglob akin to --iglob does exactly what it says.
  3. --pre-glob-case-insensitive boolean flag
BurntSushi commented 4 years ago

I think adding --pre-iglob is probably the simplest option, so let's go with that for now.