BurntSushi / ripgrep

ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
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Support persistent configuration (`.rgrc`?) #196

Closed SimenB closed 6 years ago

SimenB commented 7 years ago

I'd love to keep different types for instance, and not have to specify --type-add each time.

My specific case is type zsh which searches zsh config files (.zshrc *.zsh, and some custom .zsh*).

Maybe it could support more stuff like no-heading, --heading etc as well, which would allow people to customize rg more.

(I know I can just alias rgzsh="rg --type-add 'zsh:*.zsh' --type-add 'zsh:.zshrc' --type zsh", but meh)

Loving the tool, btw!

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

@wsdjeg Thanks for the feedback, but I am pretty confused! Perhaps you can help me understand better what problem you're trying to solve?

In particular, what does enabling line numbers by default have to do with persistent configuration? Moreover, I'm not sure you should expect that every tool has the same set of default behaviors. Having to customize flags based on which tool is used seems entirely reasonable to me.

To clarify, line numbers are actually enabled by default when printing results to a tty. Try running ripgrep in your terminal and you'll see line numbers. But if you redirect the output to a pipe or a file, then the output reverts to the same output format you'd get if you were running grep -r or git grep. I don't think this will ever change, and certainly, having to add an if statement in one's vim config isn't nearly a strong enough use case to cause that change IMO.

wsdjeg commented 7 years ago

@BurntSushi ok, Thanks, I understand now. nothing need to be change now. 😄

sarahgerweck commented 7 years ago

I would really like this too. I've tried to get along with aliases, but they are not perfect, in particular because of #553.

E.g., I really prefer smart case sensitivity. (I believe that it should be the default, but that's orthogonal and a matter of opinion.) It's a good example of the limitations here.

You can make an alias like this:

alias rg='rg -S'

This mostly works, but it means that I now get an error if I ever execute any commands that include -S in them. Ripgrep give the error below:

error: The argument '--smart-case' was provided more than once, but cannot be used multiple times

This throws a bit of a wrench into the notion of using aliases as a way to set defaults, because it means you can't pass around command lines with people or machines that don't have exactly the same defaults configured, because it's not safe to be explicit anymore. E.g., I can't send a command to a coworker that contains -S if they happen to have -S configured as their default without it breaking ripgrep.

Were #553 fixed, I think the need for a defaults file would decrease dramatically—though I still think it's desirable.

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

@sarahgerweck I think that is indeed one of the key issues that needs to be solved. Getting a persistent config goes hand-in-hand with ironing out exactly the problem you're describing. A bit upthread (this is a long one!) I mentioned this:

We may need to solve problems like "I set --context 5 in my config file, but I want to override occasionally with --context 0 on the command line." We can't just trivially merge the config with the CLI parameters since rg --context 5 --context 0 foo is illegal today. This is probably true of several other flags, and many other flags probably need the opposites added. e.g., If --no-ignore is in the config file, how does a user re-enable ignore functionality?

I don't have the full context on what clap can do (I need to re-read @kbknapp's posts above). I think the key next step here is going through each of the flags and specifying its behavior in the presence of multiple flags. Some things that might be tricky (as in, we will be at the mercy of clap---our argv parser---I think) are when multiple flags toggle the same sort of behavior and you want the "last one" to win. Such is the case for -S/-s/-i, for example.

sarahgerweck commented 7 years ago

@BurntSushi I skimmed the full thread but missed that part. You're right that it's effectively the same problem. As I mentioned in #553, I think you probably want this last-one-wins behavior for command-line options rather than a "specified twice" error, as it's more friendly for scripts or shell functions that want to build up a complicated command line that might contradict themselves.

I will say that, although I'm generally a proponent of reusing standard components instead of inventing one, argument parsing is not a particularly difficult thing to do. If clap can't do what you want, it would be very feasible for someone to extend or replace clap.

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

argument parsing is not a particularly difficult thing to do

I've written my fair share of them, and while I can't speak for @kbknapp, I think this is underestimating the task. :-) I'm sure we will find a way to make this work with clap.

unphased commented 6 years ago

Pardon me if I've missed a core part of this discussion, but I find it surprising that there can't be a simple feature which reads ~/.rgrc or ~/.rgignore containing a list of regexes whose paths should be excluded from search.

While I completely understand that a (rather more unwieldy) collection of args provided to rg can achieve this, here are four reasons why I still want an exclude-file.

It means that any time I edit this global exclude-list (and I anticipate doing it a lot) I have to:

  1. edit an alias in a shell config script
  2. incur mental overhead about whether #553 is a risk
  3. compose my file/path exclusion patterns inside shell-strings, rather than as plaintext patterns

Furthermore, (4) I want a clean and safe global config that I can tuck in a dotfiles repo because I may carefully construct a set of search exclusion paths for a given large project, and then soon after clone that project on another machine (or three) in subtly different directories on the filesystem. Manually editing in-tree .ignores is wonderful but tends to scale poorly for scatterbrain distributed shotgun cowboy coding especially in repos of which I am not the owner.

Admittedly, I'm jumping straight past ag from ack, and I have to say that ack's configuration method/syntax/implementation is pitifully bad (by comparison 😎). So this isn't so much a complaint as idealistic musing.

The main thing that strikes me here is that there has already been more effort spent by folks discussing this topic than the effort needed to implement the functionality! Surely?

If I'm not far off the mark with my points here I'd gladly contribute to the project. It's a great excuse to finish learning Rust.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@unphased You seem to be conflating two orthogonal issues: an ignore file and persistent configuration. It would help if you could please clearly delineate these issues. Also, I'd like to kindly suggest that spending time talking about how easy something is when you don't know the actual implementation path isn't productive. The fact that this issue is so long should be a dead giveaway that there is more to this than you might expect.

First of all, you are entirely mistaken about the lack of a global exclude list. You can get it today using the --ignore-file flag. You'll need to put the flag in an alias, but the rules are specified in normal gitignore syntax.

Secondly, persistent config is something i would like to add, but haven't yet found the time to do the preliminary work required. I think that has already been covered. #553 is exactly the kind of thing that needs to be resolved for persistent config.

Please. Let's not rehash this. It's just delayed until I find time, pain and simple. Someone else could step up here, but it's a lot of tedious work and may not have clearly defined answers.

unphased commented 6 years ago

Thank you for responding so quickly! It looks like i have indeed missed a few important details! Very sorry about that.

The only purpose I've ever needed persistence of config for are the only config that I use, which are ignore patterns! Using an alias to pass ignorefile (thus turning it into global semi-persistent config) will do great for now.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

Does anyone want to brainstorm the format for a ripgreprc config file?

Ack's format is documented here:

The .ackrc file contains command-line options that are prepended to the command line before processing. Multiple options may live on multiple lines. Lines beginning with a # are ignored. A .ackrc might look like this:

# Always sort the files

# Always color, even if piping to another program

# Use "less -r" as my pager
--pager=less -r

Note that arguments with spaces in them do not need to be quoted, as they are not interpreted by the shell. Basically, each line in the .ackrc file is interpreted as one element of @ARGV.

This seems somewhat sensible in that we don't need to bother with shell escaping or other rules, so it is simple. The only real downside from my view is that it makes some intuitive constructions invalid. For example, a line containing the string --context 5 is wrong because it will be interpreted as a single argument. Instead, you either need --context=5, or you could write it out over multiple lines:


Do people find this acceptable? If we wanted to support --context 5, for example, then I think we need to start doing things like, "characters separated by any amount of whitespace are treated as distinct shell arguments." And if you say that, then you need rules for quoting in cases where CLI arguments have spaces in them.

Is there another simple construction I'm missing? Is adopting the ackrc format good enough?

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

I suppose the other downside with the ackrc format is that I believe it makes it impossible to write a literal \n into your arguments. This seems OK to me, and if we ever needed to support that use case, ripgrep could/should interpret an escaped \n as a newline character.

BatmanAoD commented 6 years ago

I like the ackrc format, and it has the added advantage of keeping the ripgrep learning curve minimal for ack users.

For literal newlines, if it's ever interesting to put those in an argument, I think a more general solution would be to have a syntax for naming a file that contains the literal binary content of the next argument token. This would place the burden of figuring out which encoding to use on the user, though.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

Another possible solution here is to use a TOML file (or similar) and just define a "proper" configuration format. This would fix the aforementioned issues with the "rc" file format types, but it definitely introduces issues of its own. In particular, it's another layer between a specification of how ripgrep should behave and how it actually interprets that specification. With an rc format, we provide a very straight-forward translation based on something users (presumably) already understand very well: shell arguments. With a config format, we would need to be careful to support anything that shell arguments support, which is probably tricky.

okdana commented 6 years ago

I like the idea of keeping the config file one-to-one with the CLI options, because it's easy for end users to understand, and it seems like the implementation would be simpler too: you pretty much just collect it all into an array and pass it to clap, right? clap already knows which options conflict with or override which others, what kind of arguments they all take, &c., so it's easy.

With TOML/whatever, you have to add your own layer of abstraction to deal with all of that. Or you can try to shove them into the CLI-option paradigm, in which case the main weird thing would be the handling of boolean-ish options (line-numbers = false? no-line-numbers = true? smart-case = false? ignore-parent = false?).

The ackrc format does have some limitations like you mentioned. The requirement to use the same-word = format is kind of bothersome, in terms of both aesthetics and usability. Not being able to use special characters isn't a huge deal, but i can see cases where you might want it. For example, macOS creates these stupid meta-data files that end with a carriage return, so maybe you'd want a way to specify the equivalent of --glob $'!Icon\r'.

Several other tools besides ack use config files that are based on command-line options; off the top of my head i can think of cURL, Dnsmasq, and Redis. All three of those offer various combinations of 'sugar' on top of the ackrc style, and if you picked the best ones you might end up with something like this:

# .rgrc: Specify one command-line option per line

# Allow omission of leading `--`

# Support both same-word and next-word optarg styles
colors match:fg:white

# Provide quoting mechanism, support C-style escape sequences in double-quotes
ignore-file 'c:\some\windows\path\idk'
glob "!Icon\r"

I am very possibly gold-plating it now though; ignore the last half of this comment if it's ridiculous

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@okdana Thanks for brainstorming with me! I think we are probably in strong alignment in our opposition to something like a TOML config format. I forgot about the additional implementation complexity you pointed out. The rc format allowing us to push the merging logic of arguments down into clap is a really nice advantage.

w.r.t. to special characters, I suspect we probably want to fix ripgrep here maybe? Here's some interesting examples:

$ echo testing > 'foo        bar'

$ echo testing > foobar

$ l
total 8.0K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 8 Feb  3 09:52 foobar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 8 Feb  3 09:52 foo?bar

$ rg testing

foo     bar

$ rg testing -g 'foo bar'
foo     bar

$ rg testing -g 'foobar'

$ rg testing -g 'foo\tbar'
No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect. Try running again with --debug.

$ rg testing -g 'foo\tbar' --debug
DEBUG:globset: built glob set; 0 literals, 1 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
DEBUG:grep::search: regex ast:
Literal {
    chars: [
    casei: false
DEBUG:grep::literals: literal prefixes detected: Literals { lits: [Complete(testing)], limit_size: 250, limit_class: 10 }
DEBUG:ignore::walk: ignoring ./foobar: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Override(Glob(UnmatchedIgnore))))
DEBUG:ignore::walk: ignoring ./foo      bar: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Override(Glob(UnmatchedIgnore))))
No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect. Try running again with --debug.

$ rg --files | rg 'foobar'

$ rg --files | rg 'foo       bar'
foo     bar

$ rg --files | rg 'foo\tbar'
foo     bar

Notice that for regex searches, \t is interpreted as a tab (this is an intention feature of the regex engine), but for glob searches, \t is not interpreted as a tab (although you can still type a literal tab character and it will work as expected). So it might be the case here that we actually want to fix the glob parser to interpret some escape sequences, but I suppose that needs some careful thought and inspection as to whether other glob engines do the same.

# Support both same-word and next-word optarg styles

This one is interesting. We could adopt a simple heuristic where if the line begins with a -, then the next sequence of non-whitespace characters is interpreted as a single shell argument followed by the next sequence of non-LF characters as a second shell argument, if such a sequence exists. I suppose we could get into trouble there with something like

--foo=bar quux

Which would translate to --foo=bar as one argument and quux as another. I suppose we could modify the above rule to include = since we can also say "flag names will never contain = characters." :-)

It seems like we could start with the ackrc format basically as-is, and then build conveniences as we go. We might also want to consider a strategy for evolving the format in a non-breaking way, but that is profligate with its own set of unique challenges and trade offs...

For example, macOS creates these stupid meta-data files that end with a carriage return, so maybe you'd want a way to specify the equivalent of --glob $'!Icon\r'.


BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

OK... So I've hit another snag. As far as I can tell, nobody has yet solved this problem of configuration files in Rust-land. What I'd be after is something that lets me read configuration files in a way that is idiomatic on Linux, macOS and Windows. There are various (many, actually) crates that purport to do something in this space, but I don't feel comfortable using any of them for various reasons (mostly, they are unmaintained). I personally do not want to jump into those waters as I've observed how dicey they can be from afar.

Therefore, I suspect the initial implementation of this feature is going to land behind a flag. That is, rg --config /wherever/you/want/.ripgreprc. We'll definitely want a flag like that anyway. This is probably fine on Unix-like systems where creating an alias is easy, but I guess doing something similar on Windows is not as easy. Which is kind of a bummer since Windows is kind of what pushed me over the edge to accept this feature request.

We could start with "project specific" config files. That is, ripgrep will look in the CWD and its parents for a .ripgreprc file and load it automatically. One possible thing that somewhat worries me here is that it will encourage folks to add a $HOME/.ripgreprc file, which will work in many cases, but it won't actually be a global config. So when you cd into /etc (or whatever) you might be surprised to discover that your config isn't being applied.


BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

Another thought I had was permitting arguments to be specified in an environment variable. Both ack and grep support it via ACK_OPTIONS and GREP_OPTIONS, although I've heard Ack's author say that they would like to remove support for it, and GNU grep's man page says this:

         This  variable  specifies default options to be placed in front of any explicit options.  As this causes problems when writing portable scripts, this feature will be removed in a future release
         of grep, and grep warns if it is used.  Please use an alias or script instead.

But the particular downside mentioned by grep here also strikes me as a downside of having auto-loaded config files too.

There is also the question of precedence for a hypothetical RIPGREP_OPTIONS environment variable. Is it loaded before all configs? After all configs? Before configs specified on the CLI but after any auto-loaded configs?

Questions abound...

kbknapp commented 6 years ago

These were all the questions that started to put kbknapp/clap-rs#748 as well 😟

The conclusion I've come to (and just not implemented it yet) is allowing "additional argv"s to be declared and parsed prior to the CLI (because of overrides, the CLI [IMO] should always be last and therefore able to override everything else).

I don't really want clap to have to worry about loading config files in tons of different formats, file I/O, transforming a config into an argv, etc...so I'd prefer all that happen in an external crate or in application code.

Once all that has happened, and we have something that looks like an argv, I'd like to make it as simple as saying: app.argv("some --args=to -be --parsed -b=efore the --cli").get_matches(). Of course, an ENV var may be the only exception to this, as clap already read ENV vars for argument values, so adding something like app.env_argv("RIPGREP_OPTIONS").argv("options --from-some -config=file").get_matches() wouldn't be out of the question.

My personal thoughts are the evaluation order should be:

Where each step can override any values from the step above it.

Edit: Note the "config file" ones are the only ones were clap couldn't control the order itself, and it would be up to application code to specify the order (i.e. if they'd prefer global configs be able to override project configs).

kbknapp commented 6 years ago

Oh, that issue also brings up some more questions about, imagine an argument which accepts multiple values. If one value is defined in the ENV, one in a config file, and one at the CLI what should the matches look like? All three values? Only the CLI?

okdana commented 6 years ago

So it might be the case here that we actually want to fix the glob parser to interpret some escape sequences, but I suppose that needs some careful thought and inspection as to whether other glob engines do the same.

As far as i'm aware, there aren't (m)any that do. fnmatch(3) doesn't have any special handling for it at least: \t is treated the same as t. git doesn't seem to do anything special with it either. Anyway, related to #526 probably.

It seems like we could start with the ackrc format basically as-is, and then build conveniences as we go. We might also want to consider a strategy for evolving the format in a non-breaking way, but that is profligate with its own set of unique challenges and trade offs...

Yeah, the only concern with starting out simple is how much it could eventually break. e.g., if you add quoting or escape sequences or whatever, who knows what'll happen to people's existing files. But it is still 0.x software after all, so it's not that big a deal i suppose.

We could start with "project specific" config files.

I'm not familiar with any other tools that do this but this would bother me and i would immediately be looking for a way to turn it off. Project-specific ignore rules, OK, i get that, but i don't want random people screwing with my actual rg options.


I don't think i understand the issue exactly. It sounds like you're more worried about finding the config file than parsing/loading it? Is there a reason you wouldn't just check for $HOME/.ripgreprc and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ripgrep/ripgreprc (or whatever the Linux standard is)?

But the particular downside mentioned by grep here also strikes me as a downside of having auto-loaded config files too.

AFAIK the main reason GNU are removing GREP_OPTIONS is that grep is used in loads of shell scripts (some of them quite critical), and people would constantly forget to unset GREP_OPTIONS at the top of those scripts, and it'd cause all kinds of bizarre (maybe even security-impacting) behaviour for them.

Since rg is probably not going to be used in any super important shell scripts, i don't think it's a big concern for this project. The only issue with supporting an environment variable is that you (or clap) have to have a mechanism for parsing options from a 'flat' string.

There is also the question of precedence for a hypothetical RIPGREP_OPTIONS environment variable.

I would expect an environment variable to override any config-file options, based on the fact that the former is ephemeral and easier to modify than the latter. That's how git works too: config-file options -> environment-variable options -> command-line options

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@kbknapp TL;DR I think any specific issues with clap for config in ripgrep are actually resolved on my end. See the latest few commits in my ag/persistent-config branch. :-)

Once all that has happened, and we have something that looks like an argv, I'd like to make it as simple as saying: app.argv("some --args=to -be --parsed -b=efore the --cli").get_matches().

I think I can just do this already? clap::App has a get_matches_from, and I can just build the argv myself by concatenating all of the flags from the config files, and making sure env::args comes last. Or maybe you're just talking about convenience routines here?

[EDIT] - Ah I see, you're talking about one big string that clap then parses. Yeah that'd be interesting.

Oh, that issue also brings up some more questions about, imagine an argument which accepts multiple values. If one value is defined in the ENV, one in a config file, and one at the CLI what should the matches look like? All three values? Only the CLI?

I've got this worked out now. :-) See https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/commit/90387bbd4c3f09b9f55e35bcd231220296ce5ee7 and in particular the RGArgKind type which has some docs on it.

I should revise what I just said. I have it worked out for ripgrep. I suspect solving this in a general case is far harder and there are probably lots of variants. I don't envy your task! To be honest though, I'm actually pretty happy with my work-around thus far. It caused me to clean up my arg definitions, and the changes to the code that interfaces with clap::ArgMatches were actually very small. Basically, it was just a matter of changing the value_of methods to return the last value instead of the first value.


I'm not familiar with any other tools that do this but this would bother me and i would immediately be looking for a way to turn it off. Project-specific ignore rules, OK, i get that, but i don't want random people screwing with my actual rg options.

Interesting! ack has this feature AFAIK. Best to start without it then. :-)

I don't think i understand the issue exactly. It sounds like you're more worried about finding the config file than parsing/loading it? Is there a reason you wouldn't just check for $HOME/.ripgreprc and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ripgrep/ripgreprc (or whatever the Linux standard is)?

Ah yeah I should have said more words. The XDG_CONFIG_HOME style works fine on Linux (and maybe Mac?), but from what I understand it isn't a good default on Windows. So while I'd probably be OK writing out the XDG logic for Linux (I've done it before, it's not that hard), I'm far less in tune with how other platforms do this, so I'm very hesitant to open that can of worms.

The only issue with supporting an environment variable is that you (or clap) have to have a mechanism for parsing options from a 'flat' string.

Yup, good point. Drats. That kind of deflates that idea then!

I would expect an environment variable to override any config-file options, based on the fact that the former is ephemeral and easier to modify than the latter. That's how git works too: config-file options -> environment-variable options -> command-line options

Yeah I think that is consistent with Ack but actually inconsistent with @kbknapp's thoughts above! Regardless, it seems wise to punt on the auto-loading aspect of this ticket for now anyway. If project specific configs are contentious (and you make a good point), then the other variant of autoloading is to look in platform specific directories where application configs are normally stored, and as far as I can tell, the Rust ecosystem doesn't offer anything in that space that I'd be comfortable using just yet.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@nagisa on IRC suggested an env var that could be used to specify the location of a config file. It's slightly roundabout, but I think would be a nice sweet spot. It would sidestep the Windows issue of needing to write an alias/wrapper script, and also sidestep the issue of needing to parse an argv out of an env var itself.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

(Hah, if we support a --config-file flag, then it will require ripgrep to recursively load them... sigh)

Maybe only the env var for now? ^_^

kbknapp commented 6 years ago

Yeah I think that is consistent with Ack but actually inconsistent with @kbknapp's thoughts above!

To be clear, I'm not stuck in a position either way, those were just my initial thoughts. The only thing I have strong fieelings about is CLI should override all, which it sounds like is a universa thought :wink:

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

which it sounds like is a universa thought

Yes indeed!

BatmanAoD commented 6 years ago

Some thoughts/comments:

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@BatmanAoD Sounds great! When I did my survey on available crates, I basically dismissed almost all of them a priori without even looking at the code based on one (or more) of the following reasons:

  1. It was effectively unmaintained. (By this, I mean there was very little recent commit activity and an issue/PR backlog with seemingly important things that need to be addressed.)
  2. The documentation was either missing or insufficient.
  3. It wasn't under a permissive license.
  4. Some combination of the above coupled with the fact that nobody was using it. If nobody is using a library, then that means I need to do a thorough audit before bringing it in as a dependency.
  5. The crate addressed XDG but nothing else.

So on those grounds they basically all failed the sniff test before I was willing to spend more time with them. So in that sense, I don't know if any were a good start. You'll need to do your own review. :-)

If you do take this on, beware the can of worms. Here are some relevant links:

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

I suggest --no-config or something similar.

Definitely. This will be in the initial support for persistent config.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

If you want to add support for .rgrc, please consider the configuration file in HOME directory or the root of a project.

I mean if I have a .rgrc which path is ~/src/Foo/.rgrc, and then if I run rg command from the subdirectories, such as ~/src/Foo/src/utils/.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@wsdjeg Please see comments above. I think we're going to punt on everything for now except for setting the config file path via an env var.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

oh, sorry, use evn var seems better. :+1:

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

PR submitted: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/pull/772

jason-s commented 6 years ago

I was going to ask what the eventual behavior was decided, but you wrote it up quite well in the commit message (a very helpful example of a good commit msg btw):

This commit adds support for reading configuration files that change
ripgrep's default behavior. The format of the configuration file is an
"rc" style and is very simple. It is defined by two rules:

  1. Every line is a shell argument, after trimming ASCII whitespace.
  2. Lines starting with '#' (optionally preceded by any amount of
     ASCII whitespace) are ignored.

ripgrep will look for a single configuration file if and only if the
RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is set and is non-empty.
ripgrep will parse shell arguments from this file on startup and will
behave as if the arguments in this file were prepended to any explicit
arguments given to ripgrep on the command line.

For example, if your ripgreprc file contained a single line:


then the following command

    RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc rg foo

would behave identically to the following command

    rg --smart-case foo

This commit also adds a new flag, --no-config, that when present will
suppress any and all support for configuration. This includes any future
support for auto-loading configuration files from pre-determined paths
(which this commit does not add).

Conflicts between configuration files and explicit arguments are handled
exactly like conflicts in the same command line invocation. That is,
this command:

    RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH=wherever/.ripgreprc rg foo --case-sensitive

is exactly equivalent to

    rg --smart-case foo --case-sensitive

in which case, the --case-sensitive flag would override the --smart-case

Closes #196
elentok commented 6 years ago

Awesome! thanks!

When are you planning to create a new release?

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@elentok Soon. Releases happen when they happen. I do this in my spare time, so I will never set an explicit schedule.

kbknapp commented 6 years ago

I was re-reading through old messages in this thread and noticed the # allow omission of leading --. Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but I wanted throw one last thought out there about this. I actually like that thought, but there is one edge case that is possible and could lead to strange errors.

Assuming these are equivalent:


# or


Since clap allows combining short switches (i.e. -Ha is the same as -H -a), and even combining with a trailing option/flag (i.e. -Hatyaml is the same as -H -a -tyaml is the same as -H -a -t=yaml etc.). One would need to know if what was found in the config file sans -- or - was meant to be a long style flag --word or combination of short switches.

Since ripgrep has quite a few short switches, I'd says it's possible (not sure how likely) a combination of short switches would also equal a long flag sans --.

The fix for this would be to document, IF the user intends to combine switches in a ripgrep config, they should add a leading - otherwise it'd be treated as a long flag.

Just some thoughts :smile:

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@kbknapp Interesting. Good thing I did not implement that shortcut. Sounds like a good reason to just not do it!

okdana commented 6 years ago

I think i had in mind (a) only one option per line and/or (b) not even supporting the short options, since (i believe) that's how the other tools i mentioned work. But yeah you couldn't omit the -- having mixed them

danemacmillan commented 6 years ago

I know I'm late to the discussion, especially since you've (@BurntSushi) already submitted a PR, but I do like how rclone handles persistent configs as environment variables: https://rclone.org/docs/#environment-variables.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

@danemacmillan I'm happy with the approach I took.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago


already submitted a PR

Not only that, but the PR has been merged and is in the 0.8.0 release!