BurntSushi / ripgrep

ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
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invoke a pager to display results #86

Closed c-cube closed 10 months ago

c-cube commented 8 years ago

Just tried the tool, it's great (as is the blostpost btw). I'm usually using grep -r foo | less -R for searching (with an alias to get colored output), since there might be several pages of results; rg coloring is nice but is lost if piped into a pager. Would it make sense to invoke a pager automatically if the tool detects that its output is not piped?

BurntSushi commented 8 years ago

You might consider passing the -p flag to rg, which should cause it to retain its formatting.

I'm a little skeptical about actually calling a pager from within rg. That kind of seems like it's doing too much. (I will note though that git grep seems to do it, and it seems smart. It will invoke the pager automatically if there are lots of results.)

c-cube commented 8 years ago

Indeed, I will probably alias rg to rg -p. Still, automatic paging is quite nice :-)

ayoshi commented 8 years ago

BTW, there is a nice way to invoke pager from rust console CLI: https://gitlab.com/imp/pager-rs it does pager instantiation in a quite clever way

BurntSushi commented 8 years ago

@ayoshi That is pretty slick. It won't work on Windows though. Doing it only on *nix is an option if we decide to proceed.

bluss commented 8 years ago

git does it the same way I believe, makes sure that the pager is the parent process.

JohnVillalovos commented 8 years ago

+1 from me on having a pager. I like how "git grep" will page the results. Something like that would be nice.

I can do:

$ rg -p foo | less -r

Mostly works. But it can leave stray colors. As in my prompt becomes green.

BurntSushi commented 8 years ago

@JohnVillalovos If you use less -R, does that help with the stray colors?

JohnVillalovos commented 8 years ago

@BurntSushi Thanks, that does work :)

More typing than I would like. /me lazy ;) But it works!

BurntSushi commented 8 years ago

@JohnVillalovos Yeah, I have alias less="less -R" in my .bashrc. :-)

bluss commented 8 years ago

um I'm trying to make a shell script for that (better than alias, available in more contexts)


rg -p "$@" | less -R

(chmod +x that thing and call it as rg test to try). This just shows a blank terminal and seems to eat memory. Warning: If you reproduce, be sure to Ctrl-C it quick. Am I doing something wrong or what's happening?

bluss commented 8 years ago

Oh.. oh.. :tired_face:

any brown paper bags available?

Hint: I made it spawn itself recursively. sigh.

kugel- commented 8 years ago

I also support this feature, missing it badly from ag and git grep.

windware-ono commented 8 years ago

@bluss Perhaps as a function instead? Got this in .zshrc, works well.

function rg()
   /usr/local/bin/rg -p "$@" | more -R
bluss commented 8 years ago

I use this in my bin directory, works well


~/.cargo/bin/rg -p "$@" | less -RFX
BurntSushi commented 8 years ago

I like @bluss's approach here. I'm not strongly opposed to adding this into ripgrep itself, but it seems better to at least try and get by without doing so.

ssokolow commented 7 years ago

I just noticed the need for this and augmented my config-file wrapper to also pipe the output through less -RFX if it sees -p in the options.


(Feel free to change that. I just needed something quick and didn't think I'd ever use -p for anything other than making the colors work when piped through less.)

I still think the need for the wrapper is a bit of a wart though, given that, in the abstract, such tools are competing on how convenient they can be and my wrapper feels fundamentally no different than "Oh? You want to ignore stuff in your .gitignore? Well, we offer a command-line flag to ignore things. You're free to write a wrapper." (Reading --type-add from a config file) or "Oh? You want colored output? Well, the colordiff people showed it can be done in a wrapper." (pager support)

jason-s commented 7 years ago

less doesn't seem to ANSI terminal control sequences on Windows. Would be really nice to have a built-in pager.

I guess what I don't understand behind the philosophy of trying to use external utilities for paging, is that ripgrep already takes care of some presentation issues through the use of ANSI coloring.

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

Would be really nice to have a built-in pager.

This is a completely unreasonable request, so I'm just going to nip this one right in the bud: so long as I'm the maintainer, ripgrep will never ever never get a built-in pager.

ssokolow commented 7 years ago

less doesn't seem to ANSI terminal control sequences on Windows.

From what I remember, cmd.exe doesn't use ANSI sequences. Last time I looked at making one of my utilities do portable colorization, it seemed that cmd.exe expected you to do text colorization through a side-channel more similar to the "set pen attributes" APIs you find in things like Qt's QPainter.

(Which would mean that less would have to be color-aware enough to parse the input and convert it to an interleaved sequence of text blocks and "set color" API calls.)

jason-s commented 7 years ago

From what I remember, cmd.exe doesn't use ANSI sequences.

Well, rg itself uses colors just fine, so either it's using some other mechanism for Windows, or Windows does support ANSI terminal sequences.

I've tried updating less to the latest version I can find for Windows (v381 from UnxUpdates.zip in http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/ which does support -R and -r; my previous version only supported -r) but it still turns the ANSI sequences into visible gobbledygook.

I understand the need to keep things simple but it really impairs the usability of rg on Windows when there is a lot of output.

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

I understand the need to keep things simple

Simplicity is only part of it. The other part of it is that you're asking me or someone else to build an entire cross platform pager into ripgrep, and then you're asking me to maintain that. It's an unreasonable request not only because it completely violates the principle of responsibility, but that's unreasonable because it would be an ungodly amount of really annoying work. On top of all of that, I don't even know that such a thing is possible in Windows.

On coloring... The standard way to color things in Windows is through the various console APIs. It's completely unlike ANSI escape sequences. Instead of putting special codes into the output text, you instead need to: 1) stop writing output, 2) ask the console to change the color to X, 3) write output again and 4) ask the console to change the color back to the setting before X.

With that said, Windows 10 has some support for ANSI escape sequences, but it needs to be explicitly enabled. Alternatively, the various MSYS2 terminals for cygwin support ANSI escape sequences.

I understand the need to keep things simple but it really impairs the usability of rg on Windows when there is a lot of output.

I've spent a ton of time making ripgrep work well on Windows, but I have to draw the line somewhere. I don't know exactly where it is, but it certainly doesn't include a built-in pager.

jason-s commented 7 years ago

Fair enough, that explains some of the complexity.

Maybe by the time I get a new laptop later this year and it's Windows 10 then this becomes a non-issue for me. I certainly don't defend Microsoft's decisions for brain-dead implementations of things that otherwise work very well in Unix-land.

Looks like

DOSKEY rgl=rg --color never $* ^| less

works for me in my crippled Windows 7 world....

BurntSushi commented 7 years ago

Maybe by the time I get a new laptop later this year and it's Windows 10 then this becomes a non-issue for me.

FWIW, I don't think ripgrep quite works yet with ANSI support on Windows 10. I think it really needs a champion to make it happen who knows more about how to make it work. You can force ripgrep to emit ANSI escapes with --color ansi---even on Windows---but I think you actually need to enable some config knob to make ANSI support work on Windows.

DOSKEY rgl=rg --color never $* ^| less

Oh, I thought you wanted paging with coloring. Disabling coloring is certainly one way of getting rid of the escapes. Although, I do find it interesting that you're seeing ANSI escapes at all in a Windows console. That shouldn't happen.

I certainly don't defend Microsoft's decisions for brain-dead implementations of things that otherwise work very well in Unix-land.

I won't lie, sometimes I think this way too. But I try hard not to, and try extra hard not to actually say it because it tends to just ruffle everyone's feathers. And Unix has its fair share of strange things too. :-)

jason-s commented 7 years ago

Well, I'd like paging with coloring if I can get it, but I need paging and if the way to do that is disabling coloring, then it works well enough for me.

Although, I do find it interesting that you're seeing ANSI escapes at all in a Windows console. That shouldn't happen.

No idea. I just use rg without options, and I get the coloring, but if I pipe it through less then I see all the ANSI-looking gobbledygook like... oh wait a minute, it disappears when I pipe it through less. I only get it when I use rg -p otherstuff | less. Sigh. Never mind.

ssokolow commented 7 years ago

I certainly don't defend Microsoft's decisions for brain-dead implementations of things that otherwise work very well in Unix-land.

It's not always Microsoft's fault. For example, they chose \ as a path separator when they updated DOS to support directories because they were already using CP/M-style / to denote command-line switches and I remember reading that the decision to follow CP/M on that front ultimately lay with IBM.

...and, the more layers of backward-compatibility abstraction you drop below, the more POSIX-compatible modern Windows tends to get. (I assume, purely out of practicality.)

For example, as far as I've been able to determine, DOS and Windows have accepted / as a path separator in APIs where it's not ambiguous since DOS 2.0 introduced directories. It's just the command-line parsing which requires paths to use \ to avoid ambiguity.

...and kernels of the Windows NT lineage don't use drive letters internally... they're just an artifact of the Win32 API subsystem and it's possible to specify paths using an internal, singly-rooted syntax. (Though, admittedly, that is the one notable exception to the / compatibility. You have to use \ in and after the escape prefix to bypass the Win32 path rules.)

(the NT kernel was written so that Win32, OS/2-compatibie, and POSIX-compliant APIs could be offered as pluggable subsystems and NTFS actually has a POSIX "personality" where, among other things, the only disallowed filename characters are \0 and /. WSL is just the latest in a lineage of POSIX subsystem modules for the NT kernel.)

labianchin commented 7 years ago

Here how I solved this, if others are looking: I used to use ag before and defined an alias in bashrc/zshrc to "invoke ag with less":

alias agl="ag --pager='less -XFR'"

For rg I am now using:

rgl() {
  rg -p "$@" | less -XFR
ibotty commented 6 years ago

I argue that it would be very convenient to have it built-in. As @ssokolow said: it's about convenience.

Having said that: The following snippet (a bash function) will invoke less only when the output is a terminal. That way, there won't be strange escape sequences when redirecting stdout.

rg() {
    if [ -t 1 ]; then
        command rg -p "$@" | less -RFX
        command rg "$@"
scorphus commented 6 years ago

IMO, ripgrep should stick with searching and not involve any pager. The output can be easily paged as discussed above.

For those of you who use Fish Shell, here's the content of your ~/.config/fish/functions/rg.fish:

function rg
  if isatty stdout
    command rg -p $argv | less -RMFXK
    command rg $argv

For those wondering, less options explained:

cemeyer commented 6 years ago

The arguments presented against fixing this issue essentially boil down to simplicity of implementation, vs user convenience.

On the other hand, it seems to me. like @ayoshi's pager-rs suggestion would be extremely simple for the implementation. I agree that implementing an entire pager in ripgrep is excessive. But forking out to something like less, on platforms where it exists, is not unreasonable (IMO).

Fixing this seems beneficial for ripgrep users. I think making every single user that wants paging reimplement git or ag paging in shell has a definite cost, and is a barrier for adoption vs something like ag. ag has substantially similar performance and at least a history of substantially better ergonomics. rg can do better than it does today :-).

For zsh users looking to work around this issue, here's what I've got in my .zprofile (it is essentially identical to @ibotty's bash function; the long options to less are just -XFR):

export RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/.ripgreprc"
function rg(){
    # If outputting (fd 1 = stdout) directly to a terminal, page automatically:
    if [ -t 1 ]; then
        command rg --pretty "$@" \
            | less --no-init --quit-if-one-screen --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS
        command rg "$@"
BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

ag has substantially similar performance and at least a history of substantially better ergonomics.

Neither of these things are obviously true to me.

The work around to this issue is simple enough that I'm fine with the status quo for now.

Complexity of implementation vs user convenience is a valid trade off to make, because we live in the real world where maintenance effort is a limited finite resource. So simply pointing to the existence of that trade off is not an effective way to convince me something.

Something that I would consider to be a constructive contribution here would be a deep dive on how other widely deployed cross platform software implements automatic paging functionality.

cemeyer commented 6 years ago

ag has substantially similar performance and at least a history of substantially better ergonomics.

Neither of these things are obviously true to me.

With all respect, as the primary author you're going to have certain biases and implicit blinders. The tool is written primarily for your own itch, so by definition it meets your needs exactly. Your preferences are not necessarily the same as everyone else (and evidence shows they are not).

Complexity of implementation vs user convenience is a valid trade off to make, because we live in the real world where maintenance effort is a limited finite resource.

I absolutely agree. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. I was just summarizing the discussion.

So simply pointing to the existence of that trade off is not an effective way to convince me something.

Right. That isn't intended to be supporting evidence, just a summary of the pros/cons. I think the feedback from multiple users that find the ag behavior ergonomic should be somewhat persuasive, but again, it's ultimately your program.

Something that I would consider to be a constructive contribution here would be a deep dive on how other widely deployed cross platform software implements automatic paging functionality.

That would be interesting, yes.

BurntSushi commented 6 years ago

With all respect, as the primary author you're going to have certain biases and implicit blinders. The tool is written primarily for your own itch, so by definition it meets your needs exactly. Your preferences are not necessarily the same as everyone else (and evidence shows they are not).

Most (or at least many) features found in ripgrep are things that I do not use at all, because I either do not like them or do not find them useful in my particular circumstances. Now that you know that I understand the fairly obvious fact that my preferences are not the same as everyone else's, and that moreover, I'm willing to accommodate other's preferences even when they aren't my own, will you now be willing to elaborate on your generalizations that "ag has substantially similar performance and at least a history of substantially better ergonomics." (Emphasis mine.)

Right. That isn't intended to be supporting evidence, just a summary of the pros/cons. I think the feedback from multiple users that find the ag behavior ergonomic should be somewhat persuasive, but again, it's ultimately your program.

I understand the benefits of having a built in pager. Moreover, I understand that some users would benefit from such functionality. These are not the only things that factor into my decision, which I think I've elaborated on above. My decisions aren't immutable. If you've watched this issue tracker over the years, I've reversed my thinking on several features as more feedback comes in and more is learned about potential implementation paths and estimated maintenance burden.

cemeyer commented 6 years ago

Yep, understood — I am certainly not trying to fault your intelligence :-). Ultimately, I am just providing a "me too" on this one. (I think the 'ag' comparison has turned into a distraction — it's my subjective opinion, but it isn't an argument that is really on-topic for this issue. Let's not litigate it here.)

tudor commented 5 years ago

It would be great if ripgrep used an external pager only if stdout is a tty. So the same command can display pretty (colorized, paged) results on screen, or output raw results when redirected to a file.

Today, I have to run rg -p "$@" | less -R (aliased as rgl) if I want to look at the output, and rg directly if I want to redirect output.

The Silver Searcher has a --pager command-line flag that is ignored when the output is not a tty. Obeying the PAGER environment variable would be nice too.

tudor commented 5 years ago

Actually, this seems to be a good workaround:

rg() {
    if [[ -t 1 ]]; then
        /usr/bin/rg -p "$@" | less -RFX
        /usr/bin/rg "$@"
dwijnand commented 5 years ago

@ibotty's version in https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/86#issuecomment-364968686 is even better as it avoids picking a path.

tudor commented 5 years ago

@dwijnand I missed that when scrolling through this task. Thanks!

BurntSushi commented 4 years ago

This was recently requested again in #1695, and I think my stance on this has softened. I think I was originally opposed to this because of Windows and my effort to make sure everything was as cross platform as possible. But I don't think this should hold back efforts to improve environments where pagers are common.

My current plan is to add a --pager flag that will cause ripgrep's results to show inside of a pager if stdout is a tty. I'll probably look at how git grep invokes a pager and copy that logic since it has always worked well for me in practice.

BurntSushi commented 4 years ago

(I'm not sure when I'll have time to work on this, but if someone else wanted to submit a PR, that would be great!)

scorphus commented 4 years ago

Sure! I'll take this one! 🥨🍻

scorphus commented 4 years ago

The crate pager is really nice and fits well. I'm gonna use it. Any objections, @BurntSushi? BTW, any further tips are more than appreciated.

BurntSushi commented 4 years ago

@scorphus I am skeptical. That crate hasn't been updated in 2 years. Here is what I would do:

  1. Research how git grep spawns a pager. This is important because git grep is a widely used and popular tool. It is very likely that they've probably iterated towards an optimal solution. So let's benefit from their experience and practice by seeing if we can emulate their logic.
  2. Scrutinize the pager crate to see if it matches git grep's behavior. Also, carefully review pager's internals to make sure it looks okay. I just did a brief scan and I can already see that its atty detection won't work on Windows, so that's probably a deal-breaker unless its API allows us to work around that.

The implementation of pager does contain unsafe, and normally I'd see that as a good reason to use a crate for it, because it becomes a rallying point for other people to join together and audit and fix bugs that arise. But if the crate isn't being maintained, then this stops being an advantage.

wonderfulspam commented 3 years ago

The pager crate has recently been updated but it still doesn't seem like it quite cuts the mustard, IMO.

Something that I would consider to be a constructive contribution here would be a deep dive on how other widely deployed cross platform software implements automatic paging functionality.

This is a very shallow (and opinionated) analysis rather than a deep dive, but perhaps it may be of use:

The git grep implementation is a little gnarly with the logic for deciding whether and how to spawn a pager residing at the bottom of a 300+ line function. I would not be surprised if there are more subtle bugs like this one lurking under the surface.

I would consider taking a look at bat's implementation. bat may not be as widely used as git grep but it does happen to be cross-platform, is written in Rust and, anecdotally, has provided a flawless paging experience for me in the past two years or so that it's been my daily driver. At the very least, @sharkdp may be able to provide some valuable pointers on the pitfalls and gotchas. See, for example, https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/pull/1402, or https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/887#issuecomment-616156939 in which the maintainer of less even piped in to confirm that the bug in question existed in less, not bat.

Interestingly, bat is currently exploring adding a built-in pager which would, presumably, also be available as a library that might be of interest.

scorphus commented 3 years ago

Yeah! I've been considering bat's implementation as the one to follow. I've also been using it flawlessly for quite some time.

TBH, I didn't look too much into anything else, particularly git's one, although it was suggested — that code frightened me, to say the least. I didn't entirely believe it could really help ☺️

Thank you for the the links, @wonderfulspam! 🙌 Espcially the last one, I wasn't aware of the idea around a built-in parser for bat, that might be something to consider!

sharkdp commented 3 years ago

I would consider taking a look at bat's implementation. bat may not be as widely used as git grep but it does happen to be cross-platform, is written in Rust and, anecdotally, has provided a flawless paging experience for me in the past two years or so that it's been my daily driver. At the very least, @sharkdp may be able to provide some valuable pointers on the pitfalls and gotchas.

I think you already pointed out the most important things. I'll try to list a few points that come to my mind right now:

Interestingly, bat is currently exploring adding a built-in pager which would, presumably, also be available as a library that might be of interest.

If we ever make this happen, it would be available as a library. Yes. However, most of the features that we would want in bat are probably not that useful for ripgrep.

sergeevabc commented 3 years ago

Gosh, these stubborn developers… Guys, check out vgrep. Basically, it’s a mix of Ripgrep and Less (with truly working colors), which we’d like to see here.

God-damnit-all commented 2 years ago

I would like to point out that if you're using PowerShell (regardless of platform), Out-Host -Paging seems to work just fine with ripgrep's --color always parameter. Its pager leaves much to be desired, though.

You can also set $PSStyle.OutputRendering to ANSI and then less -R should work fine, even with less-Windows.

ripgrep having its own pager would certainly be more convenient, though.

dandavison commented 1 year ago

delta has special support for acting as a pager for ripgrep: see the delta manual section. In addition to paging, this brings two other features:

You use it by piping rg --json output to delta. Here's an example in the delta repo using a light background and the GitHub color theme:

rg --json 'handle' | delta

EDIT Please see update below: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/86#issuecomment-1632851762

BurntSushi commented 1 year ago

Wow, that is pretty slick! Nice work. @dandavison I've added a link to that from ripgrep's README: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/commit/595e7845b87c1b9e6cfd4f1c23b3910dca3e15f0

PRs are welcome if you'd like to make wording tweaks!

ryuheechul commented 1 year ago

Thanks @dandavison's comment! Now my alias has changed like below

# from this
alias rg='rg -p -i'

# to this function
rg ()
  env rg --json $@ | delta

And it works just like how bat works in terms of automatic paging!