BurntSushi / xsv

A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
The Unlicense
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fixlengths is missing the field delimiter option for output (-t) #332

Open realulim opened 8 months ago

realulim commented 8 months ago

It will always use "," as output delimiter and I believe the correct behavior would be to either use the original delimiter or implement the -t output delimiter option.

This behavior can lead to unexpected/unwanted conversions:

Say, the original delimiter is ";" and the comma appears in fields as decimal seperator unquoted (such as in German formatting for floating point numbers), then xsv will quote the floating point numbers (as they contain a comma), thus force-converting the value to a string.

However, if I want to retain the floating point numbers and have a non-comma field seperator, then there appears to be no way to use fixlengths.