BusProject / SalsaPress

SalsaPress connects WordPress to Salsa. Developed by the Bus Federation and Bus Project.
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No forms, events or petitions in drop-down #35

Closed lmhansen closed 10 years ago

lmhansen commented 10 years ago

I've had Salsa Press installed for the last few months and had been told that I needed to ask Salsa Labs to activate my account's API. That's been done, it's active and successful. Salsa Press is showing a good connection. However, when I try to use the plugin on posts and pages, there is literally nothing there despite the fact that I have numerous forms and such to choose from. What gives?

screen shot 2014-06-24 at 1 00 38 pm screen shot 2014-06-24 at 1 01 02 pm

mojowen commented 10 years ago

see #29 - you probably don't have API access. @salsalabs is aware of this problem and hasn't updated their authentication response.

email support@salsalabs.com to confirm / get api access

lmhansen commented 10 years ago

FYI, it wasn't API. It was something even dumber. I had two accounts tied to one email address. (Salsa had used my email address to create a trial account for my client and never removed it.) So it was saying it was connected, but it wasn't really connecting with any specific account, just getting logged in to both and stalling there. I asked Salsa to remove the trial account and it ended up working just fine. (Except the events widget.)

mojowen commented 10 years ago

Ugh - Salsa is the worst. Glad we got it worked out. I'll look #37 next