Open ejusa opened 7 years ago
At some point yesterday, this just started working on the site, but not the site. I have no explanation for how/why it started working.
Of a lesser concern, on the site where it IS working, the Source an Source Tracking Code is overwriting fields already in the database for records that already exist, which I don't think is supposed to be happening -- at least it doesn't happen for native Salsa forms. I'm less concerned about this, though.
After some more testing, I'm realizing that the Source Tracking Code and Source Details are only being passed to Salsa for records that already exist in Salsa. This data is still NOT being passed to Salsa for new supporter records.
It seems this is the exact opposite of how things should work. If a supporter is already in the database, the Source Tracking Code and Source Details should be left alone. If a supporter is new, however, they should be populated in the database.
Please advise.
I've been using the plugin with several sites (LOVE IT. THANK YOU SO MUCH!) and have had the same problem in a couple of places.
Even though the input for Source Tracking Code and Source Details appears in the form code, it does not submit through to my Salsa database.
Here's one site where I have a petition:
And another where it's just a sign-up form:
Here's a record that came through the petition:
Any ideas?