Buslowicz / twc

TypeScript based, boilerplate-less, Polymer toolbox friendly Polymer Modules
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Watch option only watches ts file #105

Open tpluscode opened 7 years ago

tpluscode commented 7 years ago

When running twc --watch elements are regenerated only when the TypeScript files are modified.

They should also be regenerated when the files used in @style and @template are modified.

Buslowicz commented 7 years ago

Thats a bit bigger thing, as it would require to first crawl all the project files to list files to watch, then watch each of them. Also to work correctly it should update files to watch each time something is linked or unlinked. Can be done, but it wont come quick.

tpluscode commented 6 years ago

And what if as a workaround it was possible to hit ENTER in the console window to force rebuild of all? Is this something any other watcher does?

Buslowicz commented 6 years ago

That would require to write a custom watch script :P. AFAIK this is not done by any watcher. It needs to additionally listen to keystrokes in the console, pretty easy if we handled console interaction ourselves, but we don't do that :P. However twc is pretty fast, wouldn't restarting be fast as well?