BusterChung / NTIRE_test_code

test codes of GRDN for ntire challenge
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DGU-3DMlab1_track2.py error #1

Open TerryYiDa opened 4 years ago

TerryYiDa commented 4 years ago

DGU-3DMlab1_track2 have a error, outimg is not uint8, it can not be saved png.

BusterChung commented 4 years ago

use can replace code in line 88 as below:

                cv2.imwrite(f'{imgsavepath}/{imgidx}_{patchidx}_{filename}_output.png', cv2.cvtColor(outimg.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
TerryYiDa commented 4 years ago

hello, i want to know if you use other dataset in the raw-RGB denoising track?