BusterLabs / Partyshare

A free, open source file sharing application, built on the peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol IPFS.
MIT License
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Party can't start if `ipfs daemon` is already running elsewhere #17

Closed jamiew closed 7 years ago

jamiew commented 7 years ago

Generally just fails to initialize

New to ipfs, but I'd assume it should try to connect to an existing daemon? Or just try a different port?

Cat tax

victorb commented 7 years ago

I would suggest two things. First is to isolate the daemon that Partyshare uses and starts by default. You'll need to set IPFS_PATH to whatever local directory the user have for data associated to the application. That directory you can get with app.getPath('userData') (from orbit-electron: https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-electron/blob/c86504b0f7465ee2ff5cac9be8b78e23018ef9d1/config/orbit.config.js#L24)

Secondly is to set the ports to something that is not the defaults in IPFS (Swarm - 4001, Gateway - 8080 and API 5001) so it won't collide. You can probably turn off the gateway as well, AFAIK, you're not using the gateway.

Also, I would provide the user with a way of configuring Partyshare to not start it's own daemon and reuse the existing one, but it shouldn't happen by default.

bhstahl commented 7 years ago

Great suggestions @VictorBjelkholm, much appreciated. Breaking up the second task into a separate tickets (#18, #19) and keeping this ticket for the configuration when users already have a ipfs repo to select, and decide whether to start the daemon.

Thanks for starting the issue @jamiew!

bhstahl commented 7 years ago

Strategy for closing out this ticket is as follows: