ButchersBoy / Dragablz

Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
MIT License
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Layout Persistent #189

Open ItsALittleBitFunny opened 6 years ago

ItsALittleBitFunny commented 6 years ago

Hello James,

the FirstItem or SecondItem of the Layout.Branch always has a Branch or a TabablzControl if I manually dock the tabitems.

SecondItem {Dragablz.TabablzControl Items.Count:1} object {Dragablz.TabablzControl}

But If I generate the layout programmally and the read the layout again the firstItem/Seconditem always has a branch or a ContentControl. The TabablzControl is inside the ContentControl.

SecondItem {System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl} object {System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl}

Is that a bug?

best regards,
