ButchersBoy / Dragablz

Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
MIT License
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How to change color of header text? #199

Open Imadlekal opened 6 years ago

Imadlekal commented 6 years ago
<dragablz:TabablzControl FixedHeaderCount="3" >
            <TabItem  Header="HELLO">
                <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">Hello World</TextBlock>
            <TabItem Header="MATERIAL">

                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">Material Design</TextBlock>
                        Style="{StaticResource MaterialDesignRaisedDarkButton}"
                        ToolTip="Resource name: MaterialDesignRaisedLightDarkButton">
            <TabItem Header="DESIGN">
                <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">Looks Quite Nice</TextBlock>

I tried using the Foreground property on "TabItem" (for MATERIAL for example) but that didn't do anything. In fact, it changes the color of the TextBlock inside that tab.

I tried to use Live visual tree to know where the color is coming from but I couldn't, same thing applies for the color under the Tab name. (Selection color).