ButchersBoy / Dragablz

Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
MIT License
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Custom InterTabClient lost after splitting view #202

Open speedyalibaba opened 6 years ago

speedyalibaba commented 6 years ago

After splitting the view, in the new TabablzControl the Binding for the InterTabClient doesnt work. Example: in your Repository: BoundExample

Repro steps: After dragging a tab to split the view: in the output window in VS there is a BindingExpression error for the BoundExampleInterTabClient, and after dragging the second tab out of the new TabablzControl the custom GetNewHost method is never called.

speedyalibaba commented 6 years ago

I found a workaround: I deleted the BranchTemplate from the dockablz Control, added a custom InterLayoutClient and manually set the InterTabClient in the InterLayoutClient,GetNewHostMethod().

That worked for me but didn't solve the actual problem, that the custom InterTabClient wasn't automatically copied to the new TabablzControl.