ButchersBoy / Dragablz

Dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
MIT License
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Make StackOrganiser extendable #80

Open mgnslndh opened 8 years ago

mgnslndh commented 8 years ago

Add virtual keyword to the Organise method so the class can be extended with custom sorting of the items.

Provide mechanism to force reorganisation when items needs to be sorted. @ButchersBoy suggested calling InvalidateMeasure which I guess would work but it would be nice to have a solution that works with MVVM as well.


Override Organise and sort the items and pass to the base. Then you could InvalidateMeasure on the control itself....maybe i could add a routed event or something to "invalidate" the current sort which might make it easier in the future.

ButchersBoy commented 8 years ago

Extendable changes made.

I am considering enhancing the position monitor (mentioned in https://github.com/ButchersBoy/Dragablz/issues/82) to provide some bi direction communication.

This could become more of a PositionController, am currently weighing this up.