ButterCam / Mediator

Cross-platform GUI gRPC debugging proxy
Apache License 2.0
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Does this support inspecting Firestore grpc calls? #2

Closed ColtonIdle closed 2 years ago

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question but there isn't a "Discussions" tab on this repo.

I'm trying to inspect firebase firestore traffic which uses grpc. Would this be possible using Mediator?

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Mediator not support tls gRPC traffic now, I am refactoring the proxy make it support tls.

If the firebase firestore traffic use the gRPC with tls, Mediator can't work with it.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Okay. I will try with charles. Thank you!

devkanro commented 2 years ago

I am pleased to inform you that Mediator will support gRPC/TLS requests in the next release.

We are currently testing the feature, so if you are interested in it, please leave a comment here and I will provide you with a beta version.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Do you know if it works with Firestore? If so, I'd pay money for that. Let me know!!!!!

devkanro commented 2 years ago


I don't know if Mediator works with Firestore, you can try it.

In theory, Mediator works with any gRPC service that supports service reflection.

Before applying Mediator to Firestore, you first need to confirm the following:

  1. Does Firestore use gRPC as an API?
  2. Does Firestore support service reflection?

We expect to add support for gRPC servers that do not support service reflection in the next version, but the premise is that you must have the proto source code of the API, or a binary description file.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

@ColtonIdle After some searching in github, the good news is firestore using gRPC.

You can found the protos here: https://github.com/googleapis/java-firestore/blob/main/proto-google-cloud-firestore-v1/src/main/proto/google/firestore/v1/firestore.proto

But we don't know does Firestore support service reflection? If firestore don't support it, you can wait our next release.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

@ColtonIdle Another good news here!

After 1.4.2 version, you can decode the gRPC message by proto source file.

You can download firestore proto files from here.

Configure the proto root in mediator server rule follow the document.

Then you can decode the firestore api, don't forgot install the Mediator Root Certificate.

Check the ReadMe for more information.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

@devkanro thanks for the instructions. I gave this a try on my android device just now.

I set up my devices WiFi to have a manual proxy set to my machine and now I can see traffic on mediator. I tried to install the mediator root certificate, but the file doesn't download wehn i click the link on my android device.

2022-09-07 at 22 29 17
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Also please let me know if this is how I would setup the proto rule

2022-09-07 at 22 49 38
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

please also let me know if theres a way to donate to the project. thanks

devkanro commented 2 years ago

I set up my devices WiFi to have a manual proxy set to my machine and now I can see traffic on mediator. I tried to install the mediator root certificate, but the file doesn't download when i click the link on my android device.

This seems odd because the Echo Service shows the address you accessed the certificate (/mediatorRoot.cer), and in theory when accessing the certificate path, the Echo Service will not be used.

Also please let me know if this is how I would setup the proto rule.

If you don't need rewrite the host, do not check the rewrite checkbox

Other settings are correct

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Can you download it from your PC or Mac? then transfer to your Android.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Okay. Downloading to my mac worked. Going to email the file to myself.

Accessing gmail on my android device with the proxy setup doesn't seem to work though which is weird. Ideas?

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Accessing gmail on my android device with the proxy setup doesn't seem to work though which is weird. Ideas?

Mediator only support the gRPC request in proxy, when you are in a non-gRPC scenario, the proxy should not be enabled.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Another weird thing is that Echo Service doesn't print Request Host like GET

I don't know why your android is showing like this.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

yeah. thats what i expected. all non-frpc traffic just works. but it doesn't.

it looks like once i set my proxy up to my mac with mediator running, i just lose my internet. i disabled the proxy. installed the CA certificate and installed it on my device. connected back to the proxy and can see that traffic is showing in mediator

devkanro commented 2 years ago
截屏2022-09-08 11 24 46

Notice the path after GET string do not include the host.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

if I visit on my mac I see

2022-09-07 at 23 33 10
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

i do see traffic from my android device. let me know if you think i can debug this somehow. also. let me know if you have a donation/patreon/github sponsor setup. thank you. i really would like to help make firestore data inspection a reality.

2022-09-07 at 23 35 10
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

I have used both charles proxy and proxyman in the past. I wonder if any of their port numbers are messing with mediator. i made sure that both charles and proxyman are shutdown though and that my android device is not pointed to either of those port numbers.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

yeah. thats what i expected. all non-frpc traffic just works. but it doesn't.

it looks like once i set my proxy up to my mac with mediator running, i just lose my internet. i disabled the proxy. installed the CA certificate and installed it on my device. connected back to the proxy and can see that traffic is showing in mediator

Ummm, maybe in the next version I can implement transparent transmission for non-grpc traffic.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

@ColtonIdle You should not set proxy in your wifi, the Java gRPC client proxy should be setting by those code:

ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("foo.barapis.com", 9000)
    .proxyDetector {
            .setTargetAddress(it as InetSocketAddress)
            .setProxyAddress(InetSocketAddress("<YOUR PC/MAC IP>", 8888))
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Typically I set the proxy for charles and proxyman in my wifi settings.

I will try including your snippet above in my android App class

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Typically I set the proxy for charles and proxyman in my wifi settings.

I will try including your snippet above in my android App class

Yes, because most gRPC client will not use the system proxy setting, you need config it by your self.

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago
ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("firestore.googleapis.com", 443)
  .proxyDetector {
      .setTargetAddress(it as InetSocketAddress)
      .setProxyAddress(InetSocketAddress("", 8889))

(i changed mediator to use :8889)

I dont see any traffic in mediator now. I wonder if firestore.googleapis.com is not the right address

devkanro commented 2 years ago

I found the FirestoreClient can accept a FirestoreStub.

You can build the FirestoreStub with

val channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("firestore.googleapis.com", 443)
  .proxyDetector {
      .setTargetAddress(it as InetSocketAddress)
      .setProxyAddress(InetSocketAddress("", 8889))

val stub = FirestoreStub(channel)

val client = FirestoreClient(stub)
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago
2022-09-07 at 23 55 18
devkanro commented 2 years ago

Ummmm...repleace with

val stub = FirestoreGrpc.newStub(channel)
devkanro commented 2 years ago


val client = FirestoreClient.create(stub)
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Getting closer!

2022-09-08 at 00 00 51
devkanro commented 2 years ago

Ummm...it should be a create method here https://github.com/googleapis/java-firestore/blob/main/google-cloud-firestore/src/main/java/com/google/cloud/firestore/v1/FirestoreClient.java#L180

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

I think I technically use https://github.com/firebase/firebase-android-sdk but I thought it just deferred to java-firestore. hmm

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago


devkanro commented 2 years ago

It seem an wrapper with auth info for FirestoreClient in firestore-java

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Need to find some way to create FirestoreClient with our channel or stub

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

okay. i will keep looking. let me know if you find anything. so CLOSE!

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Try to see if there is a configuration for the proxy in FirebaseFirestoreSettings

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like it unfortunately

2022-09-08 at 00 11 37
ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Just 4 options available in firestore settings

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Created a feature request on firebase android. maybe someone there can help.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Create some breakpoints, to find how the firebase stub created in firebase-android-sdk

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Yeah. I'm going to do that first thing tomorrow. about 4 hours past my bedtime. 😭 💤

devkanro commented 2 years ago

Hahaha I'm going to have some lunch too

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

looks like its created here. but yeah. thanks again for the help. i feel like im so close to having some way of inspecting firestore calls lol. its so hard not having ANY insight

2022-09-08 at 00 23 01
devkanro commented 2 years ago

Maybe you can clone their code and change it from here https://github.com/firebase/firebase-android-sdk/blob/c35626a475cfcfc702586a0df09718b11a7427d3/firebase-firestore/src/main/java/com/google/firebase/firestore/remote/GrpcCallProvider.java#L109

Then compile one yourself

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I have never had to compile an external library like this myself... but hopefully I can make it work. I hope that firestore can also add this. We'll see how my feature request goes. 😄

devkanro commented 2 years ago

I built one for you. check it.


Unzip in your ~/.m2, merge the repository dir.

Add mavenLocal to your build.gradle repository.

Use the com.google.firebase:firebase-firestore:24.3.1-SNAPSHOT

You can found the FirebaseFirestoreSettings class have new property named 'proxy', set it to <YOU-PC-IP>:8888.

devkanro commented 2 years ago

The source code is here https://github.com/devkanro/firebase-android-sdk/commit/e9208e1961964da08a599f5318986072754356c6

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago

Downloaded, placed in .m2, hit merge instead of replace. added mavenLocal() and added that dep SNAPSHOT you posted. Set the proxy on firestoreSettings... building and running now. 🤞

ColtonIdle commented 2 years ago
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The proxy address is not resolved