ButterCam / Mediator

Cross-platform GUI gRPC debugging proxy
Apache License 2.0
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Do I need to have access to source code to use this? #6

Open meilechwieder opened 1 year ago

meilechwieder commented 1 year ago

Hi. I want to do this for an app from the Appstore. Is it possible? or I need to have access to source code? I can decompile with apktool, but where do I add those code snippets from Mediator?

Is there somewhere a meduim like article for beginners?

devkanro commented 1 year ago

Because of the security design of the GRPC library, it is impossible to directly set a proxy server for GRPC in the network settings like ordinary HTTP API.

There are two things you need to modify.

First, find the place where ManagedChannelBuilder is used, and set the proxy server by calling the proxyDetector method specially. Refer to the readme

Then, if the target GRPC server is the HTTPS protocol, you also need to configure the root certificate for the client. There are two ways on the Android platform: Java Universal and Android.

devkanro commented 1 year ago

The best way is to have access to the source code. This is the way we use it.

If it is used in reverse engineering, we have no specific use cases. There is no more information and documentation to refer to, but as long as you can do the above The two requirements should do the trick.