Buttonwood / Bioinformatics

Useful scripts for NGS analysis
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Researches #14

Open Buttonwood opened 10 years ago

Buttonwood commented 10 years ago

How genetic variations and epigenetic dynamics contribute to normal biological function and disease processes[^1].

Teamwork is a significant part of science. When the right group people who have unique backgrounds and ideas come together, they synergize and resonate to create breakthroughs. I would love to experience being a part of such a team.

[^1]:40 under 40, Feng Zhang

Buttonwood commented 10 years ago

_Epigenetics_ is the study of mitotically heritable changes in gene expression that occur without changes in DNA sequence.


CpGs clustered into CpG islands, often at promoters of genes (Promoters are at the start of genes, where transcription machinery binds) •  CpG islands tend to be protected from methylation •  Methylation at CpG island ≡ silencing of gene expression –  Small subset of CpG islands that are dynamically methylated between cell types, most retain unmethylated status –  Mainly studied for the inactive X chromosome

•  CpG islands – usually unmethylated •  Intergenic regions – usually methylated •  Repetitive elements – usually methylated