Buuz135 / Replication

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[1.20.1] Runaway memory allocation with Theurgy installed #16

Open MuteTiefling opened 1 month ago

MuteTiefling commented 1 month ago

After installing Theurgy in a pack that already includes Replication, it seems that the Matter value calculation causes runaway memory allocation, causing the game to run out of memory within a few minutes and crash. I say it seems to be Matter calculation because the entire time leading up to the crash, the matter values still have not been fully synchronized.

Replication Version: 1.20.1-1.0.3

Titanium Version: 1.20.1-3.8.28

Crashlog If Applicable (Upload to pastebin/gist):

Crash logs seem entirely unrelated but here it is just the same. https://gist.github.com/MuteTiefling/acd5ab4db5adf9119f48354ce7e18d03

klikli-dev commented 1 month ago

Hi there, this is the Author of Theurgy! @Buuz135 let me know if there is something I can do on my end! Without having looked at things, I assume you are somehow checking recipes to arrive at a value result?

malcolmriley commented 1 month ago


I've just encountered this issue as well, albeit in another context. I believe the issue is caused by the recipe analysis in Aequivaleo and have posted some preliminary findings in this thread. In short, it seems to be the result of the combinatorial explosion of recipe relationships that naturally arise in modpacks and not due to any particular mod.

Would it be possible for Replication to provide a "static" mode that does not rely on recipe graph analysis?

MuteTiefling commented 1 month ago

Thanks for that writeup and insight Malcom.