BuzzardParking / buzzard-android

An android app for better parking
3 stars 1 forks source link

Group Milestone - Implementation (Sprint 2) #23

Open realdlee opened 7 years ago

realdlee commented 7 years ago

Please review @codepath @codepathreview

We continued on last week's strong start and now have a fully functioning parking app. On app start, a user is positioned at their current location on the map and immediately sees all the parking spots available near them. The parking spot markers are visually differentiated based on their "decay" (how long ago they were reported available).

The user can either report a new parking spot with a long click or park. To park, the user can either click the FAB and be directed to the nearest parking spot or select one of the parking spot of their own choosing. Either way, the user will then be directed to the spot. The user can choose to use an external navigation app (Google Maps app) or stay in our app and be directed via a blue polyline on the map. Once the user arrives at the parking spot, the user clicks the FAB and is now parked. When the user departs the spot, then the user clicks the FAB and the parking space is available for other users to select.

We've completed all our target requirements as well as quite a few of our optionals. Our final week will be spent on polish, improving UX, and adding nice-to-have features.

Sprint 2 Walkthrough

codepathreview commented 7 years ago

:+1: Nice work so far on the group project. Your team has made great progress in the last week. Hope you are proud of what you have achieved in ~6 weeks.

Take time this week to clean up and polish your app. Generally, most of these tasks are small and easy, but go a long way in making an impact on how your app will get perceived. I would also encourage you to start thinking about coming up with a user story for the demo day. It is the apps with the most appealing story that gains the most attention on the demo day. Excited to see your progress next week!