[CVPR 2023 Workshop] VAND Challenge: 1st Place on Zero-shot AD and 4th Place on Few-shot AD
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Resnet相比VIT的效果怎么样呢 #4

Open hitlei opened 1 year ago

hitlei commented 1 year ago


ByChelsea commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm sorry for replying late.

In our approach, we focused on exploring the CLIP model based on ViTs without conducting extensive experiments on the model based on ResNets. I can provide you with a reference result obtained by training the RN50x16 model for 5 epochs at a resolution of 384 (the standard resolution for this model).

objects auroc_px f1_px ap_px aupro auroc_sp f1_sp ap_sp
candle 97.5 16.9 9.9 87.1 94.4 87.5 93.9
capsules 90.4 8.0 3.6 67.9 62.2 77.2 73.1
cashew 82.0 12.8 8.1 86.2 60.7 80.2 79.3
chewinggum 99.2 70.8 75.9 82.7 94.9 94.5 97.9
fryum 92.8 25.0 18.1 79.0 77.5 81.8 87.9
macaroni1 97.3 24.1 13.3 87.3 43.5 66.7 48.0
macaroni2 96.7 9.5 3.1 86.3 52.6 66.9 51.2
pcb1 90.6 7.8 4.5 81.1 71.6 70.8 69.1
pcb2 89.0 14.2 6.3 68.6 61.0 67.4 63.0
pcb3 88.1 9.3 4.6 66.0 65.2 68.1 65.9
pcb4 94.1 19.9 13.4 81.8 94.6 89.9 94.8
pipe_fryum 96.5 35.3 24.9 94.5 92.1 90.7 96.1
mean 92.8 21.1 15.5 80.7 72.5 78.5 76.7

The training command is:

python --dataset mvtec --train_data_path ./data/mvtec \ 
--save_path ./exps/visa/RN50x16 --config_path ./open_clip/model_configs/RN50x16.json --model RN50x16 \ 
--features_list 1 2 3 4 --pretrained openai --image_size 384  --batch_size 8 --aug_rate 0.2 --print_freq 1 \ 
--epoch 5 --save_freq 1 --learning_rate 0.0001

In our experiments, we found that training the linear layers with ResNets is more challenging compared to using ViTs, and it may require more suitable hyperparameters and training strategies. The code now supports changing resolutions, so you can continue your exploration using these code modifications.

Hope that my answer can be helpful to you. :)

afvca commented 11 months ago

Hi! What's your intuition on why auroc_sp is much lower on image vs pixel? And what could be done to improve?

ByChelsea commented 10 months ago

Hi! What's your intuition on why auroc_sp is much lower on image vs pixel? And what could be done to improve?

Hi! In the zero-shot setting, the anomaly scores used for classification are obtained by calculating the similarity between class tokens and text features. In this case, the accuracy of classification and segmentation is not significantly relevant. The accuracy of classification primarily depends on the pre-trained model and the prompts. Designing appropriate prompts manually is quite challenging. Perhaps you could try prompt learning to further enhance the classification performance.

Besides, due to the sufficiently high predictive accuracy of anomaly maps, you can also attempt to take their maximum values as anomaly scores. Adding these two parts together can further enhance performance.

twmht commented 7 months ago


Do you have any reference paper for prompt learning?

ByChelsea commented 7 months ago


Do you have any reference paper for prompt learning?

I'm sorry, I just noticed this question. You can refer to CoOp and AnomalyCLIP.