Byronnar / tensorflow-serving-yolov3

本项目主要对原tensorflow-yolov3版本做了许多细节上的改进,增加了TensorFlow-Serving工程部署,训练了多个数据集,包括Visdrone2019, 安全帽等, 安全帽mAP在98%左右, 推理速度1080上608的尺寸大概25fps.
MIT License
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YOLOV3 模型剪枝 model-pruning #91

Open XinghuaJi opened 4 years ago

XinghuaJi commented 4 years ago

拜读了大神的代码!给我一种感觉非常清爽的感觉,是后来学习者的福音和榜样,感谢作者!希望作者能神来之笔能再出杰作解决模型压缩问题,再次感谢! I read the code of the Great God! Give me a very refreshing feeling, it is the gospel and example for later learners, thank the author! I hope the author can solve the problem of -pruning compression, thanks again!

Byronnar commented 3 years ago

谢谢! 最近比较忙,不一定有时间哎, 可以先看看pytorch版本的剪枝.