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gearswap nil value error #381

Closed theblackdeath closed 9 years ago

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

lua runtime error: gearswap/gearswap.lua:384: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

gearswap: lua runtime error: libs/texts.lua:579: attempt to compare nil with number

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

Gearswap: lua runtime error: Gearswap/triggers.lua:285: attempt to index local 'tempplay' (a nil value}

z16 commented 9 years ago

It would be very helpful if you mentioned what you did to get that error and what your GS file looks like.

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

the job file or the gearswap.lua file

and as for what i did it was kneeling or just standing there

z16 commented 9 years ago

The job file.

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago line 384 if not items[bag][slot] then items[bag][slot] = make_empty_item_table(slot) end items[bag][slot].id = data:unpack('H',0x0D) items[bag][slot].count = data:unpack('I',5) items[bag][slot].bazaar = data:unpack('I',9) items[bag][slot].status = data:byte(0x11) items[bag][slot].extdata = data:sub(0x12,0x29)

libs/texts.lua line 579 return (pos_x <= x and x <= pos_x + off_x in the function texts.hover(t, x, y)

triggers lua line 289 is else prefix = 'pet_'

of the if arr.actor_id ~= then if tempplay.pet_index then if arr.actor_id ~= windower.ffxi.get_mob_by_index(tempplay.petindex).id then return else prefix = 'pet' end else return end end

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

one sec ill github it

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

the triggers error kicked off as thirdeye wore and the libs one if i open my console and left click the mouse it adds the error at 579 to the log

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

well i guess just clicking the left click does it

theblackdeath commented 9 years ago

if it helps you at all earlier cair asked me o type //eval print(windower.ffxi.get_player()) which came back nil

Byrth commented 9 years ago

Yeah, the fact that windower.ffxi.get_player() comes back nil indicates that LuaCore isn't loading your information for some reason. That'll break all kinds of stuff, including GearSwap. However, it's also out of the scope of my addon tracker. I'm going to close this because it looks like it's somehow a problem with LuaCore (this would be the first time anything like this has been reported as far as I know).

I opened an issue on the windower issue tracker for you that references this: