Byrth / Lua-Byrth

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Gearswap: Bard weapon and ranged issue post-update (2/25) #440

Closed Hopefulki closed 7 years ago

Hopefulki commented 7 years ago

My LUA is based off of Moten's BRD Lua (include heavy). Mine is modified for differing levels of debuffs and potency vs duration. After today's GS update, my Daur dummy songs don't work (as in it won't equip Daub), and Carn won't equip during midcast. This seems to only be affecting main/sub and ranged slots - the rest of my gear is equipping perfectly, including the dummy/fast cast.


Hopefulki commented 7 years ago

This was using the dev build, not stable. Stable is fine.

Byrth commented 7 years ago

How did this work out for you with 0.928?

Hopefulki commented 7 years ago

This appear to have been solved - thanks very much !

Byrth commented 7 years ago

No problem!