Byte-Cats / microman

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[FEATURE] Auth Boss + JWT (Auth0) + negroni middle-ware #65

Open 4cecoder opened 1 year ago

4cecoder commented 1 year ago

build a simple auth system

add simple middle-ware (negroni) with secure encryption by jwt

authboss chat support

refactor this authboss example code

turn this into a function which takes a parameter of router

func AuthRoute (router *mux.Router){}
ab := authboss.New()

ab.Config.Storage.Server = myDatabaseImplementation
ab.Config.Storage.SessionState = mySessionImplementation
ab.Config.Storage.CookieState = myCookieImplementation

ab.Config.Paths.Mount = "/authboss"
ab.Config.Paths.RootURL = ""

// This is using the renderer from:
ab.Config.Core.ViewRenderer = abrenderer.NewHTML("/auth", "ab_views")
// Probably want a MailRenderer here too.

// This instantiates and uses every default implementation
// in the Config.Core area that exist in the defaults package.
// Just a convenient helper if you don't want to do anything fancy.
 defaults.SetCore(&ab.Config, false, false)

if err := ab.Init(); err != nil {

// Mount the router to a path (this should be the same as the Mount path above)
// mux in this example is a chi router, but it could be anything that can route to
// the Core.Router.
mux.Mount("/authboss", http.StripPrefix("/authboss", ab.Config.Core.Router))