Byte-Sized-Games / logJam

Arcade-style rhythmic puzzle game inspired by Canadian folklore (that one cartoon)
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

Encorporating required coding concepts #21

Open brandiob opened 3 weeks ago

brandiob commented 3 weeks ago

One of the expectations for this project is that we incorporate our course concepts. Here is the provided list:

  1. Pointers
  2. Arrays
  3. Functions and Recursion
  4. Searching and Sorting
  5. Object-Oriented Programming
  6. Inheritance

We should make a list of where these concepts appear, probably in our documentation, to ensure we hit all of these and where the most advanced usage of these are. Here's the programming concepts included with my database component:

  1. basic pointers (pointer to a pointer would show more advanced usage)
  2. functions (I hope we all use functions...)
  3. OOP, with database class and sqlite 3 class I could squeeze in inheritance by having beatmap and leaderboard classes inherit from a database class but only if I have to.


Please reply with a list of the programming concepts included in your portions and also how "advancedly" it shows off knowledge of the course.

phynxinferno commented 3 weeks ago

So far, implementations are as follows:

Pointers everywhere

Array shit and polymorphism in the database

Objects and inheritance in the ui

Functions, recursion, and objects in the state manager

phynxinferno commented 3 weeks ago

We still need to implement encapsulation, preferably in the cpp code since this is hard in zig

phynxinferno commented 3 weeks ago

UI is going to check almost all out boxes for oop(aside from encapsulation)

mdwmage commented 3 weeks ago

UI is going to check almost all out boxes for oop(aside from encapsulation)

UI should cover most of that. Levels too, what with rhythm, file loading, map parsing and all.

UI and gameplay itself should also cover arrays, pointers & recursion along the way too

brandiob commented 3 weeks ago

update for my portion:

-there is now pointer to a pointer -did all of the yucky oop things (inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation) -Wierd things with functions -a wee bit of recursion

brandiob commented 2 weeks ago

update #2: i didnt realize that command line arguments would have to go through every function, and see if that arguments provided matched that. instead of one million if statements this is a good opportunity for searching ans sorting strings, especially since i doubt anyone else will do searching and sorting.

mdwmage commented 2 weeks ago

update on my end.

also the game is done

mdwmage commented 2 weeks ago

hey the game is actually done now. Audio and everything