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Buy page will not redirect to stripe page on click in PetSoft #15

Open Rope-a-dope opened 1 month ago

Rope-a-dope commented 1 month ago

On buy page, click on the buy button will not redirect to stripe page unless I refresh the page and then click buy.

Second problem: In the auth-edge.ts file, I have warnings, I have to use ! and as string/boolean to get rid of it. image

import { NextAuthConfig } from "next-auth";
import prisma from "./db";

export const nextAuthEdgeConfig = {
  pages: {
    signIn: "/login",
  callbacks: {
    authorized: ({ auth, request }) => {
      // runs on every request with middleware
      const isLoggedIn = Boolean(auth?.user);
      const isTryingToAccessApp = request.nextUrl.pathname.includes("/app");

      if (!isLoggedIn && isTryingToAccessApp) {
        return false;

      if (isLoggedIn && isTryingToAccessApp && !auth?.user.hasAccess) {
        return Response.redirect(new URL("/payment", request.nextUrl));

      if (isLoggedIn && isTryingToAccessApp && auth?.user.hasAccess) {
        return true;

      if (
        isLoggedIn &&
        (request.nextUrl.pathname.includes("/login") ||
          request.nextUrl.pathname.includes("/signup")) &&
      ) {
        return Response.redirect(new URL("/app/dashboard", request.nextUrl));

      if (isLoggedIn && !isTryingToAccessApp && !auth?.user.hasAccess) {
        if (
          request.nextUrl.pathname.includes("/login") ||
        ) {
          return Response.redirect(new URL("/payment", request.nextUrl));

        return true;

      if (!isLoggedIn && !isTryingToAccessApp) {
        return true;

      return false;
    jwt: async ({ token, user, trigger }) => {
      if (user) {
        // on sign in
        token.userId =; =;
        token.hasAccess = user.hasAccess;

      if (trigger === "update") {
        // on every request
        const userFromDb = await prisma.user.findUnique({
          where: {
        if (userFromDb) {
          token.hasAccess = userFromDb.hasAccess;

      return token;
    session: ({ session, token }) => { = token.userId as string;
      session.user.hasAccess = token.hasAccess as boolean;

      return session;
  providers: [],
} satisfies NextAuthConfig;