ByteInternet / hypernode-docker

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Developer mode resets box restart. #14

Closed AngelsDustz closed 5 years ago

AngelsDustz commented 5 years ago

This issue is plain forward, basically you can set the mode with bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer but if the box is stopped and started again it has forgotten the developer mode and you have to re-run the command.

This issue only exists for magento 2.

vdloo commented 5 years ago

Hi @AngelsDustz, what do you mean with the box is stopped and started? The docker destroyed and re-created? Do you know where the 'developer mode on and off' state is kept? Is it a file on disk or a database entry perhaps? If it is a file on disk make sure that that disk persists between your sessions, maybe you can mount a volume on that path to make that storage persistent?

AngelsDustz commented 5 years ago

Just normal docker stop and docker start. I am not sure where the developer mode is kept I am thinking somewhere on a file.

The volume is mounted from /data/web/magento2 to a folder in my home directory so I could work on it.

vdloo commented 5 years ago

Isn't it just a line in env.php?

MAGE_MODE' => 'default' or MAGE_MODE' => 'developer'
AngelsDustz commented 5 years ago

I remember you have to do it via the bin/magento but I will check the file, maybe the magento binairy fails to write to the file. Dont have access to my box atm will report back tomorrow morning.

AngelsDustz commented 5 years ago

It does appear to change the mode, but only after deleting the file and re-writing it. This might be a Magento issue rather than a Hypernode issue.

If you don't mind I want to keep the issue open a bit, if it happens again I can do some research and confirm it isn't hypernode related.

EDIT: It does indeed set it in env.php but it also sets some type of caching as well.

AngelsDustz commented 5 years ago

Right, after creating this issue and checking the env.php I haven't been able to reproduce this. Let's hope it magically fixed itself.

vdloo commented 5 years ago

magic :sparkles: