ByteThisCoding / ngx-google-fonts

Angular implementation of a Google Fonts Input Selector
3 stars 2 forks source link

Build Issue #1

Open kiranatious opened 1 year ago

kiranatious commented 1 year ago
kiranatious commented 1 year ago

cannot find module collections

ByteThisCoding commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for raising the build issue! Can you share some details about the project you're running, preferably the package.json but if not, the version of Angular you're running, typescript, etc?

Also, try to: npm install @byte-this/collections, it's possible the downstream dependency did not install automatically.

kiranatious commented 1 year ago


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Angular 9 Material

after installing collections now i am getting this error


Thanks for your help.

ByteThisCoding commented 1 year ago

I see, it looks like you're using Angular 9. I originally developed this in Angular 12, so this is probably an Angular version compatibility issue.

kiranatious commented 1 year ago

okay.. thanks for your prompt response . Appreciate it.

ByteThisCoding commented 1 year ago

No worries, if you need additional info, I've got it on this page: