Closed multydoffer closed 1 year ago
Most of the detailed questions about the paper have been resolved in the email correspondence.
For anyone who may also be curious about annotation and extraction regarding folding regions (core, surface etc.) in Fig 7, here is the script for doing this
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
from Bio.PDB.DSSP import DSSP
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import multiprocessing as mp
import pandas as pd
### get structural lables using DSSP
path = 'your pdb path'
result_path = 'your result path'
def DSSP_get_structural_labels(dir,chain):
protein_f = './pepbdb/'+dir+'/receptor.pdb'
p = PDBParser()
structure = p.get_structure(dir, protein_f)[0]
dssp = DSSP(structure, protein_f)
# print(dssp.keys())
a_key = list(dssp.keys())
for i in range(len(list(dssp.keys()))):
a_key = list(dssp.keys())[i]
seq = str(dssp[a_key][1])
# secondary structure label
ss = str(dssp[a_key][2])
# folding core and exposed region label, cutoff is set to 0.1, folding core <=0.1 exposed region >0.1
sol = str(dssp[a_key][3])
# print(seq,ss,sol)
if a_key[0] == chain:
all_seq += seq
all_ss += ss
all_sol += sol+','
result = ''
result = (dir +'\t'+ chain +'\t'+ all_seq +'\t'+ all_ss + '\t' + all_sol +'\n')
return result
It's very exciting to see the work you did, but I didn't find some codes corresponding to part of the paper. Specifically, they are: