Byzantium / ByzPi

RaspberryPi port of Byzantium Linux.
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Enable hardware random number generator. #22

Closed virtadpt closed 10 years ago

virtadpt commented 11 years ago

The RasPi's built-in hwRNG isn't enabled by default, which makes generation of random numbers problematic at best, risky at worst. Here's the process to do it:


A file ByzPi/puppet-etc/modules/byzpi/templates/etc/modules needs to be created in the Git repo with the appropriate contents. The ByzPi/puppet-etc/modules/byzpi/manifests/init.pp Puppet manifest will also need to be edited appropriately.

virtadpt commented 10 years ago

Added /etc/modules to Git repository, added bcm2708_rng modules in commit 4090cdb6f1e7bd36a7b1a026dfaa568ad4cdb1fb.

virtadpt commented 10 years ago

Added /etc/default/rng-tools file from my ByzPi node to repo. Added rng-tools package to list of Debian packages to install. Made sure that the rng-tools service is started at boot-time.

commit 2a0a0e734fc68fbc6c643dbb5bc08a9d7a23f2e6