C-C-A-A / CologneProtocol-R

Research compedium for "Approaching Prehistoric Demography: Proxies, Scales and Scope of the Cologne Protocol in European contexts" including a manual of the Cologne Protocol
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sample data #2

Closed Mono2 closed 4 years ago

Mono2 commented 4 years ago

Should we include sample data into the compendium? If so, should it be real or generated data?

Mono2 commented 4 years ago

Should we use the point data from Preuss, which is published in the CRC database?

RobinCGN commented 4 years ago

Preuss is in Lat/Long (ellipsoidal coordinates). Would have to be converted.

Alternativ: Some data from the archdata-package in R?

RobinCGN commented 4 years ago

There is not suitable sample data set in archdata.

RobinCGN commented 4 years ago

There seems to be a column with UTM-coordinates (UTM 32N?) in the SFB 806/Preuß data.

Code-Snippet to load SFB 806/Preuss data from web:

`url_link <- "http://sfb806srv.uni-koeln.de/owsproxy.php?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeNames=geonode%3A_13_earlyneolithic_ce_sites_wgs84&outputFormat=csv"

data <- read.csv(url(url_link))

data <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(SpatialPoints(cbind(data$RECHTS, data$HOCH)), data, proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:25832"))

proj4string(data) <- CRS("+init=epsg:25832")


data `

Mono2 commented 4 years ago

Has been implemented!

RobinCGN commented 4 years ago

Distances to nearest neighbor are suspicious small in the sample data set:


over 600 sites with nndist smaller 100 m!