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NLP Application for Summarizing Finance Article
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ModelApiProcessing first PR #2

Closed tejkoiejgns closed 12 months ago

tejkoiejgns commented 12 months ago



Firstly, I used the GPT API to summarize the article, and it also paraphrased the article, which made the result more accurate and more inclusive. However, my free trial for $18 has expired. After connecting my billing information to my GPT account, I gained access to the engine, but I was also charged around $4 during these days. Therefore, I decided to use the BART model that I found on Hugging Face.

Here's the pricing information for GPT: https://openai.com/pricing

For example(GPT):

Input: https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/11/politics/tommy-tuberville-white-nationalism-cnntv/index.html

Output: Generated phrases:

BART model:

  1. Use the BART model (https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-cnn) to extract the articles from CNN website
  2. Summarize the article
  3. Spilt the summarized text into individual sentences

For example(BART):

Input: https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/06/tech/twitter-meta-threads-legal-threat/index.html

Output: Summarized Sentences:

  1. Twitter is threatening Meta with a lawsuit after the launch of Meta’s new Twitter rival,Threads.
  2. The threat is perhaps the clearest sign yet that Twitter views the app as a competitive threat.
  3. An attorney representing Twitter sent Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg a letter that accused the company of trade secret theft.
YLee2121 commented 12 months ago

@tejkoiejgns Could you please add the GPT API charge information in the PR report? I will read through it and tell you my idea.