C-Nedelcu / talk-to-chatgpt

Talk to ChatGPT AI using your voice and listen to its answers through a voice
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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2.6.1 Not recognizing voice/microphone. Extension page shows error #134

Open Sukaritat opened 1 year ago

Sukaritat commented 1 year ago

I can't get 2.6.1 to work with my microphone despite all evidence showing that the mic is working. The extension has permission and the chrome browser shows that the page is using the mic. I will note that when installing the extension, I was not asked by the app for permission to use the microphone as your instructions on the home page instructed that I would be. When I go to the speech recognition test page to test the mic, everything works fine.
When I go back to using 2.6.0 I notice that the mic works, however nothing I do seems to allow me to "send" or "submit" any information that is entered into the chatgpt "in box" regardless of the input method (keyboard or voice). The long and short of it is that the 2.6 version will recognize the mic and pick up voice inputs, but won't allow the user to send the information to be processed, but version 2.6.1 for some reason will not activate the mic recognition.

I have only one clue which is when inspecting the chrome extension page, the 2.6.1 version shows an error. It appears on line 858 : const { set: valueSetter } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element, 'value') || {}

It seems to have something to do with the Elevenlabs voice listings. I have never selected that option before in 2.6.0 or in 2.6.1. I should also tell you that I have uninstalled and reinstalled the (or I should say loaded or packed and unloaded or unpacked) the .6.1 extension several times, closed and reopened chrome several times and even rebooted and restarted my computer several times and continue to see the same behavior. I have keep the 2.6.0 extension installed throughout this experience, however all of my attempts to get 2.6.1 working properly have been done so with that version of the extension enabled and the 2.6.0 version of the extension disabled, except for one attempt during which, with the page closed, I enabled both versions in the chrome extension management settings page and then opened the chatgpt page. When I did so, the 2.6.0 version of Talk-to-Chatgpt was displayed showing itself to win-out in the battle for dominance between the two.

Question, in the chrome microphone permissions page, should I being seeing some indication of a permission that is specific to the Talk-to-Chatgpt extension as opposed to a permission that applies to all of chat.openai.com:443? The permission settings page lists that site as having 10 cookies associated with it, but doesn't give me any details about them. Similarly, somewhere else in the settings area that page/address is listed with an asterisk (https://chat.openai.com*) but still no further details are provided. Am I barking up the wrong tree thinking this has something to do with the permissions setting? I even tried to "reset" the permissions and start from scratch with the "install" to no avail. Help, I feel like Captain Picard yanked suddenly out of the Nexus.

Sukaritat commented 1 year ago

So this is not just me. What's worse, after much fiddling, late last night I had been able to get version 2.6 working in so far that it had always been able to recognize my voice, but with some random button pressing I could get the input that was written or transcribed in the "inbox" submitted or sent to Chatgpt for processing in other words a work around to the "send" problem that had crashed 2.6. But when I awoke this morning it just my luck that the Chrome store decided to approve 2.6.1 and that action made version 2.6.0 disappear. Now the only version available is 2.6.1 and as I wrote yesterday, and as a reviewer wrote today (6-5-23) on the Chrome Store review page, this new update no longer recognizes any voice commands. I know you just updated the app, but the problem your update was targeted to fix seems unrelated to the problem I am having and that Rully is having as well. I understand a fix may take time and not be so easy, but can you validate that the problem I and others are having getting any functioning voice recognition to happen a probable malfunction of a change made by Open ai and not a problem with a user's local settings. Thanks.

C-Nedelcu commented 1 year ago

OK I now have 3 people who reported this. I am baffled because the v2.6.1 fix didn't do much. It works great on my end, on Google Chrome, with ChatGPT Plus, in GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 modes. I need to understand a few things. Can everyone who is encountering the issue answer these questions, so I can try to find a common ground?

1- First, to make sure I understand the problem: voice recognition isn't working for you anymore at all, everything you say with your voice doesn't get picked up in the prompt text area? 2- What web browser are you using? 3- What OS are you using? 4- Are you using ChatGPT plus, or standard? 5- What is the exact URL you are using to access ChatGPT 6- Are you using other ChatGPT related extensions? If so, have you tried disabling them? 7- Which country are you accessing ChatGPT from? 8- Can you give me the javascript console log, which is here:

image (right click on an item and then "Save as..." you should be getting a .log file)

Do give me the log right after the bug occurred (i.e. you are speaking but the text isn't coming out)

C-Nedelcu commented 1 year ago

Additionally, I would need to see this: make sure the ChatGPT prompt text area is focused and active, then do a right click and "Inspect element" image

You should be seeing something like this: image I'd need you to send me this (a screenshot of what you are getting, just like the screenshot above) so I can compare it with mine, I need to see if you're getting the same thing I'm getting

Sukaritat commented 1 year ago

1- First, to make sure I understand the problem: voice recognition isn't working for you anymore at all, everything you say with your voice doesn't get picked up in the prompt text area? Correct. Nothing gets picked up at all. And this is frustrating because all system indicators give no sign that something is wrong, meaning, the red bar will be "red" the mic symbol will appear in the chrome address bar and if hovered over will display the message that the page is using the mic. Also the mic in the system tray says the same thing. 2- What web browser are you using? Chrome Updated Chrome is up to date Version 114.0.5735.110 (Official Build) (64-bit) 3- What OS are you using? Window 10 Professional 64 bit 4- Are you using ChatGPT pro or standard? Standard 5- What is the exact URL you are using to access ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/ 6- Are you using other ChatGPT related extensions? If so, have you tried disabling them? Ah Ha. I had done this before but perhaps only once, and certainly not with the finalized 2.6.1. When doing this exercise I went through and disabled all of the other extensions (I only had yours, a google docs offline one, Fancy GPT and ChatGPT Prompt Genius. When I disabled ChatGPT Prompt Genius just now. Talk-to-ChatGPT started working again. This really bums me out because I had used some serious prompts to start off a request and then would augment that with your app to add information . For example with the ChatGPT Prompt Genius extension I could hit "/" select the pre-written prompt "rewrite" and then this would appear: "rephrase the following text so that it reads more clearly and conveys information in an unambiguous manner in a logical manner. When presenting your response do not include any introductory sentences or phrases in the your chat window. Include only the text of your submitted response." From there I would position my cursor at the end, make sure the mic was activated and rambe as much as I liked before sayng "send message now" at which point Chatgpt would produced a coherent paragraph for me as a response that I could copy with a click. Well if it isn't one thing it's another. Before we were dealing with a situation of a completely broken system or a system where when the apps played together this would happen: "It won't allow me to add more text via copy/paste. I want to be able to speak part of my query then add to it." - said a woman reviewing the TalkBerry extension Before everything broke down last week, your extension in tandem with ChatGPT Prompt Genius allowed me to do just what that woman wanted to be able to do. Now you work, but it doesn't btw, I was able to get the Voicewave: ChatGPT extension and ChatGPT Prompt Genius to play together as of today. (I just MUCH prefer your extension to Voicewave) but I wonder why those two can play together and you and ChatGPT Prompt Genius cannot? 7- Which country are you accessing ChatGPT from? US 8- Can you give me the javascript console log, which is here: I am glad I solved my conflict before getting to #8 because I was going to need a little help remembering how to get to the console log. I feel as though in the past I have only stumbled upon it by accident.

PS. Do you have any advice about how the ChatGPT Prompt Genius people might be able to fix this?

Thank you for responding and taking us seriously. I still hope more can be done, by "someone"

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 8:48 PM C-Nedelcu @.***> wrote:

OK I now have 3 people who reported this. I am baffled because the v2.6.1 fix didn't do much. It works great on my end, on Google Chrome, with ChatGPT Pro, in GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 modes. I need to understand a few things. Can everyone who is encountering the issue answer these questions, so I can try to find a common ground?

1- First, to make sure I understand the problem: voice recognition isn't working for you anymore at all, everything you say with your voice doesn't get picked up in the prompt text area? 2- What web browser are you using? 3- What OS are you using? 4- Are you using ChatGPT pro or standard? 5- What is the exact URL you are using to access ChatGPT 6- Are you using other ChatGPT related extensions? If so, have you tried disabling them? 7- Which country are you accessing ChatGPT from? 8- Can you give me the javascript console log, which is here:

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4685072/243515453-541b660d-74b4-452b-8f4d-315d4e7a8328.png (right click on an item and then "Save as..." you should be getting a .log file)

Do give me the log right after the bug occurred (i.e. you are speaking but the text isn't coming out)

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/C-Nedelcu/talk-to-chatgpt/issues/134#issuecomment-1577736068, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/BAJTDWHCQOX5EBVO525ILVTXJZ45NANCNFSM6AAAAAAY2FGDAY . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

C-Nedelcu commented 1 year ago

Good to hear that the issue is caused by another extension, and that in standard conditions things work fine, as I was able to confirm.

I think possibly what that other extension is doing is altering the basic layout of the page, which will not only break Talk-to-ChatGPT, but may also break other extensions, and possibly even cause ChatGPT to stop working altogether (there's another guy who apparently had issues with ChatGPT and he had to reset everything - this honestly couldn't have been caused by Talk-to-ChatGPT as it's not invasive at all).

My recommendation is that you contact the author of that extension and recommend a less invasive method, a way that avoids altering the DOM (ie. the document layout) significantly in a way that breaks other extensions or functionality.

As for your own use I would suggest the following:

This isn't the first time users report conflicts between extensions. Talk to ChatGPT does not cause these conflicts as it does not alter the page itself, the layout, or the functionality. It simply picks up what you say in the mic and puts it in the existing text box, then it sends the message. It basically simulates what a user would be doing with keyboard and mouse. Hence, should any conflict arise, the responsibility of fixing should be on the side of the extension that alters the layout of the page - these extensions need to be more "neutral" and avoid breaking things like this.

Sukaritat commented 1 year ago

What you describe makes total sense given what appears with that extension. It gives the start page a complete new design (unnecessarily so, I've always thought) Thanks for the tips.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:04 PM C-Nedelcu @.***> wrote:

Good to hear that the issue is caused by another extension, and that in standard conditions things work fine, as I was able to confirm.

I think possibly what that other extension is doing is altering the basic layout of the page, which will not only break Talk-to-ChatGPT, but may also break other extensions, and possibly even cause ChatGPT to stop working altogether (there's another guy who apparently had issues with ChatGPT and he had to reset everything - this honestly couldn't have been caused by Talk-to-ChatGPT as it's not invasive at all).

My recommendation is that you contact the author of that extension and recommend a less invasive method, a way that avoids altering the DOM (ie. the document layout) significantly in a way that breaks other extensions or functionality.

As for your own use I would suggest the following:

  • use Talk to ChatGPT in Edge and that other extension in Chrome (or vice versa. v2.6.1 is not yet live on the Edge store, they are so slow to approve updates)
  • use two separate profiles in Google Chrome for either extensions
  • disable either extension based on the usage you need

This isn't the first time users report conflicts between extensions. Talk to ChatGPT does not cause these conflicts as it does not alter the page itself, the layout, or the functionality. It simply picks up what you say in the mic and puts it in the existing text box, then it sends the message. It basically simulates what a user would be doing with keyboard and mouse. Hence, should any conflict arise, the responsibility of fixing should be on the side of the extension that alters the layout of the page - these extensions need to be more "neutral" and avoid breaking things like this.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/C-Nedelcu/talk-to-chatgpt/issues/134#issuecomment-1577781130, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/BAJTDWH557Y6LYYUHGCE2DDXJ2FZPANCNFSM6AAAAAAY2FGDAY . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

nyngwang commented 1 year ago

Well, have you guys fixed it? It cannot recognize my microphone even if I have installed it with the latest version from here.

kerkradio commented 1 year ago

Mine also not listening to me... lsb_release -a: Distributor ID: Linuxmint Description: Linux Mint 21.1 Release: 21.1 Codename: vera

uname -orvmpi: 5.15.0-73-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 15 15:18:26 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Chrome: Version 114.0.5735.133 (Official Build) (64-bit)