C-Otto / BitBook

BitBook helps you organize your bitcoin addresses and transactions.
MIT License
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Use (local) node as provider #4

Open C-Otto opened 3 years ago

C-Otto commented 3 years ago

If the user can provide a trusted bitcoind (or similar) instance, on-chain details should be retrieved locally instead of using public APIs. Besides the speed benefit this also increases privacy. If enabled, consider not persisting the information in the BitBook database.

C-Otto commented 2 years ago

Even with txindex=1, bitcoind does not provide addresses for the inputs of transactions, which is necessary to traverse backwards. Furthermore, the most demanding feature is to get all transactions that somehow feed into / take from a given address. This, sadly, is something bitcoind does not support, at all.

C-Otto commented 2 years ago

Reopening, as this can be done with (for example) electrs running in addition to a local bitcoind.