C-Otto / rebalance-lnd

A script that can be used to balance lightning channels of a lnd node
MIT License
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Q: TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE message with unknown "short" nodes? #312

Closed dunkfan closed 1 year ago

dunkfan commented 1 year ago

A routing failure report contains an info like this: | TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE @ 3rd hop | 124.368 | 130.547 | 12500 | 6.124 | 787404 | 843824596846575616 | _LEGALIZEMATH->0287dd->032713->023bdd->c-otto.de How do I find out what node corresponds to "032713" the 3rd hop point? Are such numbers hidden channels?

C-Otto commented 1 year ago

That's not rebalance-lnd, is it?

dunkfan commented 1 year ago

No just plain lnd/lncli output

dunkfan commented 1 year ago

Oh Sorry posted here by accident!