C0D3D3V / bbb-dl

Downlaod BigBlueButton recordings. A simple scrapper for Big Blue Button lessons. Download and merge the audio and video files of a BigBlueButton conference from the conference replay url.
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fix: support foreignObject in svg #19

Closed AliRezaBeigy closed 2 years ago

AliRezaBeigy commented 2 years ago

Hi I use html2image instead of cairosvg that doesn't support foreignObject, which contains HTML tags

C0D3D3V commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much.

Could you please rename stripNs to something more meaningful. I guess it removes namespaces? So something like stripNamespaces.

Also could you please explain what your PR improves? Does it only switch the dependency?

AliRezaBeigy commented 2 years ago

Could you please rename stripNs to something more meaningful. I guess it removes namespaces?

Yes you are right

Also could you please explain what your PR improves? Does it only switch the dependency?

as I said previous code can't generate HTML tag inside foreignObject tag Example:

  <image id="image1" class="slide" in="0.0" out="3172.3" xlink:href="presentation/1fab9b215b3b3c010315fb5ae264fd98798573ae-1655896500429/slide-1.png" width="1600" height="900" x="0" y="0" style="visibility:hidden" text="presentation/1fab9b215b3b3c010315fb5ae264fd98798573ae-1655896500429/textfiles/slide-1.txt"/>
  <g class="canvas" id="canvas1" image="image1" display="none">
    <g id="image1-draw1" class="shape" timestamp="202.9" undo="-1" shape="image1-poll1" style="visibility:hidden">
      <image width="544.0" height="119.88" x="1056.0" y="780.12" xlink:href="presentation/1fab9b215b3b3c010315fb5ae264fd98798573ae-1655896500429/poll_result1.svg"/>
    <g id="image1-draw2" class="shape" timestamp="242.2" undo="-1" shape="image1-text2" style="color:#000000;word-wrap:break-word;visibility:hidden;font-family:Arial;font-size:58.32793px">
        <foreignObject width="1259.91283" height="659.12106" x="79.61038" y="64.1608">
          <p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="margin:0;padding:0">Present perfect <br/><br/>Simple past </p>


C0D3D3V commented 2 years ago

Ok, thank you very much :) Looks like a good improvement. I will test it later, when I come home, merge it and release it :)

C0D3D3V commented 2 years ago

Actually may I asky you for a test URL? You can also send it to me via email (in my profile) if you do not want that it is added to my test URLs in the launch.json Because I guess my old URLs do not have html Elements.

C0D3D3V commented 2 years ago

I merge it nevertheless, because It seems to function as before.

C0D3D3V commented 1 year ago

Because we have a new issue https://github.com/C0D3D3V/bbb-dl/issues/24 that also is about annotations, I had finally time to test it :D The thing is, this is a lot slower than the old solution with cairosvg (PNGSurface). At least for the session I got from the issue, it needs to create hundreds of screenshots and every time needs to open a headless chromium instance. grafik

I think I will add an check if the svg contains an fragment and decide that way to use cairosvg (PNGSurface) or html2image. Would you be fine with that? Could you send me an bbb session that uses foreignObject so that I can test if it still works after my changes?

C0D3D3V commented 1 year ago

I did a few measurement (100) with the session I got from the other issue. Results are in seconds.

measurements_Html2Image: ['1.506', '0.907', '1.030', '1.108', '0.901', '0.893', '1.033', '1.353', '1.029', '1.001', '1.006', '1.267', '1.104', '1.108', '0.912', '0.897', '0.970', '0.908', '1.208', '1.080', '0.923', '1.062', '1.167', '0.968', '1.855', '1.185', '1.209', '1.389', '1.617', '1.309', '1.248', '0.923', '1.128', '1.185', '1.335', '1.024', '1.233', '1.110', '1.168', '1.157', '1.187', '1.226', '1.132', '1.041', '0.917', '1.164', '1.269', '1.108', '1.410', '1.301', '1.355', '1.419', '1.461', '1.309', '1.512', '1.180', '1.071', '1.142', '1.482', '1.571', '1.458', '1.052', '1.605', '1.144', '1.141', '1.158', '1.061', '1.613', '1.351', '1.098', '1.365', '1.785', '1.502', '1.155', '1.088', '0.972', '1.198', '1.045', '0.967', '1.065', '0.928', '1.616', '1.478', '1.224', '1.103', '1.223', '1.064', '1.130', '1.107', '0.911', '1.000', '0.918', '1.180', '1.088', '1.146', '0.968', '1.085', '1.513', '1.043', '1.191', '1.084']
measurements_PNGSurface ['0.216', '0.181', '0.187', '0.191', '0.188', '0.188', '0.192', '0.206', '0.202', '0.204', '0.202', '0.209', '0.201', '0.214', '0.210', '0.221', '0.216', '0.223', '0.263', '0.227', '0.240', '0.228', '0.233', '0.247', '0.297', '0.276', '0.259', '0.846', '0.289', '0.248', '0.305', '0.253', '0.264', '0.361', '0.291', '0.275', '0.282', '0.352', '0.282', '0.322', '0.356', '0.339', '0.352', '0.342', '0.318', '0.460', '0.396', '0.428', '0.461', '0.482', '0.424', '0.407', '0.553', '0.324', '0.425', '0.350', '0.465', '0.466', '0.510', '0.478', '0.336', '0.410', '0.561', '0.434', '0.417', '0.448', '0.440', '0.728', '0.575', '0.468', '0.479', '0.472', '0.428', '0.383', '0.390', '0.391', '0.392', '0.406', '0.394', '0.436', '0.692', '0.473', '0.431', '0.463', '0.437', '0.436', '0.458', '0.436', '0.431', '0.442', '0.440', '0.437', '0.446', '0.490', '0.453', '0.446', '0.503', '0.509', '0.591', '0.533', '0.555']
measurements_Html2Image mean: 1.1830991884653466
measurements_PNGSurface mean 0.3735021615148515

Html2Image is 3 times as slow as PNGSurface. Also Html2Image makes the screenshots slightly offset and has slightly bigger filesize :D I think it is worth to add the condition. I will also try to fix that it spams the terminal with chromium warnings.