C0D3D3V / bbb-dl

Downlaod BigBlueButton recordings. A simple scrapper for Big Blue Button lessons. Download and merge the audio and video files of a BigBlueButton conference from the conference replay url.
MIT License
68 stars 17 forks source link

Unable to parse XML file: "shapes.svg" error #64

Open yigitdemirel88 opened 2 days ago

yigitdemirel88 commented 2 days ago

Hi, I encountered an issue while using the bbb-dl application. The application throws the following error when I attempt to process a file:

(base) C:\Users\BlockChain\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python312\Scripts>bbb-dl -scv https://bbb-play1.derspaneli.com/playback/presentation/2.3/f36c5217919606328883eda872bebdc713fee05b-1707496199365
Output directory for the final video is: C:\Users\BlockChain\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python312\Scripts
Directory for the temporary files is: C:\Users\BlockChain\AppData\Local\bbb-dl\86d731913b84b002c946dab400b59e19
Downloading meta information
Downloading metadata.xml...
Downloading shapes.svg...
shapes.svg got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded shapes.svg
metadata.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded metadata.xml
Downloading webcams / deskshare
Downloading cursor.xml...
Downloading panzooms.xml...
Downloading captions.json...
Downloading deskshare.xml...
Downloading events.xml...
Downloading presentation_text.json...
Downloading slides_new.xml...
Downloading notes.html...
Downloading polls.json...
Downloading external_videos.json...
Downloading video/webcams.webm...
Downloading video/webcams.mp4...
Downloading deskshare/deskshare.webm...
Downloading deskshare/deskshare.mp4...
captions.json got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded captions.json
deskshare.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded deskshare.xml
events.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded events.xml
panzooms.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded panzooms.xml
cursor.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded cursor.xml
presentation_text.json got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded presentation_text.json
notes.html got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded notes.html
slides_new.xml got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded slides_new.xml
external_videos.json got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded external_videos.json
polls.json got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded polls.json
deskshare/deskshare.webm got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded deskshare/deskshare.webm
video/webcams.webm got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded video/webcams.webm
deskshare/deskshare.mp4 got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded deskshare/deskshare.mp4
video/webcams.mp4 got 2.09KiB / 0.00B
Successfully downloaded video/webcams.mp4
Downloading slides
Unable to parse XML file "C:\Users\BlockChain\AppData\Local\bbb-dl\86d731913b84b002c946dab400b59e19\shapes.svg": not well-formed (invalid token): line 29, column 16  
Error: This XML file is essential. Abort! Please try again later!

I’m not sure how to resolve this issue. Could you please guide me on how to fix this problem or let me know if there is a workaround?

I tried -scv option..

C0D3D3V commented 1 day ago

Basically same issue as https://github.com/C0D3D3V/bbb-dl/issues/59 Your bbb server uses a new bbb version that is not yet supported by bbb-dl. Your server does not provide the shapes.svg as the old version does, it sends a HTML file, thats why bbb-dl fails to parse the XML (because it is no XML). I had only a quick look, so I have not inestigated, were this version stores the shapes.svg instead. But as written in #59 this includes some major changes, and I currently have not time for it.