C0DK / dotfiles

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This is going sound weird and noobish #1

Open micmou opened 4 years ago

micmou commented 4 years ago

This might be a weird question and I know it is pretty taboo but is there any chance you would walk me through cloning your setup I really like the way it looks and would be interested in cloning then tinkering with it. I am new to this whole rice thing. If not thats okay ill try and figure it out.

C0DK commented 4 years ago

I can try to write a README file this weekend. Is there something concrete you wanted help with? Is it a specific program? It is essentially just styling of various software i have installed.

Do you have I3 already? then you can copy my I3 config. If you like the browser you have to setup qutebrowser, and use my config for that. If it is spotify, then look into spicetify.

But my plan is to split the different applications into different repositories making it easier to clone and edit.