Windows SteamCMD to autoupdate and install any game server steam cmd settings configurable lots of useful features. This batch script will keep your game servers automaticly updated updating intervals announce the server is shutting down for updates etc all configurable.
Stationeers Dedicated Server has the AppID of 600760. For the Beta branch, the AppID is the same, but you put a -beta beta switch in the manual SteamdCMD update command: +app_update 600760 -beta beta. Can we account for cases like this in your Set AppID field?
Stationeers Dedicated Server has the AppID of 600760. For the Beta branch, the AppID is the same, but you put a -beta beta switch in the manual SteamdCMD update command: +app_update 600760 -beta beta. Can we account for cases like this in your Set AppID field?