C2N14 / AutomaThemely

Simple, set-and-forget python application for changing between desktop themes according to light and dark hours
GNU General Public License v3.0
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updsuntimes.py gets the wrong execution folder #28

Closed mijorus closed 4 years ago

mijorus commented 4 years ago

hi, i just noticed my automathemely still wasnt running automatically as expected, and i found this:

Description=Update automathemely sun times daily

ExecStart=/bin/bash /automathemely/bin/systemd-trigger.sh "/.config/automathemely/sun_times" "/usr/bin/env python3 /automathemely/autoth_tools/updsuntimes.py"

this is my automathemely.service file, which is not configured properly (i run the post-install script as expected)

it is looking of files in the root directory, while my folder should be /home/{USER}/Automathemely/automathemely

because i compiled from source. My skills are limited, so i dont know how to fix this problem in the source file, so i've just entered the right path. hope this can help

C2N14 commented 4 years ago

sun-times.service is meant to run systemd-trigger.sh daily, which is in the binaries directory not on the user folder. This should look like /usr/lib/python3.**X**/dist-packages/automathemely/bin/systemd-trigger.sh.

If still relevant, what is the output of running $(python3 -m pip show automathemely | grep -oP "^Location: \K.*")/automathemely?

mijorus commented 4 years ago

Long time has gone, I cant help anymore as I moved to Arch and install the package directly from AUR. However, the installation on ubuntu was a real pain, as mismatching python version were pre-installed. I remember it was looking for python 3.7 while ubuntu had 3.6.8 in their repo....