C3ETH / c3eth-operations

Cardano Catalyst Eastern Townhall Team Operations.
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Meeting [Team Checkin]: Core Team 10 October 2022 - 0800 to 1000 UTC #382

Open YanTirta opened 1 year ago

YanTirta commented 1 year ago


  1. Integrating Eastern Town Hall dRep proposal
  2. Funded proposals budget breakdown

NOTE: To help everyone to fully participate in the team meetings we will be recording the meeting using otter.ai. We'll use the transcription to also help create notes before deleting the recording.

Meeting Details:




  1. General catch-up with each other.
  2. Catalyst Updates (if any)
  3. (Add additional topics here)

Discussion Summary:

@A-W-G : There will be a website form Project Catalyst regarding a website for dReps. Where we can connect with voters.

@Linh-LP : There seems to be a reshuffle in Project Catalyst. With that said, let's just do our best as per proposal. Initial actions to create a (1) task list , (2) and so forth. FORGET IOG (Linh said this)

@A-W-G : Angela has shared a book on everything about dRep : https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/community-governance-oversight/dreps-delegated-voting/delegated-voting-drep/workshop-1#video

Group discussions : Who will be the new Discord admin? Group discussions : Have a look, critique, add to our existing budget compilation. Apply that to the Eastern Town Hall dRep. Group discussions : Linh has reminded the team regarding the teams obligation in the Challenge Team.

@Linh-LP : Second week of September is when dReps receive funding.

@A-W-G : How do we submit proposals for the continuation of Eastern Town Hall since there are is no more Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano?

Corine : Ask whether if we have any contacts from Australia to share with Corine. Corine has shared her email : Corinnephillips42@gmail.com

Angela : Had a question; (1) is there a specific timeline for the speakers, (2) is this compensation only for main room or each break-out room. Will this speaker discussion have for our main room only, specific room only or what system?

Linh : If you do not finish your KPI, the budget will saved for other expenses including speaker compensation