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Cardano Catalyst Eastern Townhall Team Operations.
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Eastern Hemisphere Townhall Meeting#4 - Thursday 26th August 12:00PM UTC #41

Closed wolstaeb closed 3 years ago

wolstaeb commented 3 years ago

Eastern Hemisphere Townhall Meeting#4 - Thursday 26th August 12:00PM UTC

2021-08-26 (5)

2021-08-26 (7)

Meeting Soundbite

The breakout rooms were attended by a healthy mix of regulars and newcomers. The Japanese room being the best attended. Invited guests share perspectives in Vietnam and Indonesian rooms. Attendees presented their Catalyst Fund 6 proposals. Ideas covered translation, ship maintenance, collaborative protocols, new funding mechanisms, and digital archiving. Lively discussions mean the ETH is a great platform to build awareness and get feedback on proposals.


EHT # Date Registrations Participants Japan Indonesia Vietnam English Korean
EHT#1 29/07/2021 86 47 15 14 5 7 -
EHT#2 05/08/2021   64 11 11 32 12 -
EHT#3 12/08/2021 335 93 43 10 29 11 -
EHT#4 19/08/2021   94 49 3 19 11 -
EHT#5 26/08/2021   62 35 7 10 10 -


Hosts, please arrive 30mins before the start of the Townhall to make last-minute adjustments to the schedule and go over the run sheet.

Breakout Room Summaries


In Indonesia's breakout room it was a small group of 5, though one straggler did come by at the very end of the town hall. This person was very new to blockchain and held a long discussion with him. The breakout was attended by a healthy mix of regulars and newcomers. Discussion ranged from the early days of Cardano to the current developments spearheaded by Project Catalyst. Andy from Emurgo contributed a lot and created a great balance with the moderator, creating a casual yet educational discussion.

Screen Shot 2021-08-27 09 08 33 PM


[TO BE DONE]: fill out after the meeting.


In the ETH-4 meet-up, the Vietnamese breakout room has 12 people coming in, less than half as much as last week's meeting but we did have some informative conversation along with the community. We invited Steve Lockhart to share his proposal experience in the first 30 minutes. For the rest of the meeting, many people presented their submitted proposal with Q&A time. It was engaging and topic-focused.


[TO BE DONE]: fill out after the meeting.


A group of up to ten people at a time with regulars and new faces joining the lively two-and-half-hour conversation. We gave a brief summary of the main town hall event with a discussion on the challenge setting spinning out of that. A high proportion of the group had submitted proposals into Catalyst Fund 6. So the group were given an opportunity to discuss their submissions. Idea covered a directory for information on funded projects (LIDO pool), multilingual translations, ship maintenance and compliance records, collaborative protocols, programming language SDKs, new funding mechanisms, NFT opportunities and rights expression, and digital archiving. The discussion was lively, varied, and fun.

Run sheet

  1. Open room and welcome people.
  2. Welcome Slides (MC Greg)
  3. Weclome to the experiment in the respective languages.
  4. Into to Kriss Baird & DLT Entrepreneurship (Guest in merged INA+EN Room) - TO BE CONFIRMED
  5. Go to Breakout Rooms (Play Video Guide on loop)

Breakout Rooms

  1. Japanese
  2. Indonesian and English (merged)
  3. Korean
  4. Vietnamese

Additional Links and resources

Eastern Town Hall Social Media Links

Town Hall Social Media Links

Recurring Registration link: https://bit.ly/3rCicSR add to your calendars and just simply join each week using the same access.

Fund6 Challenges Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crs3lVaGejY&t=1821s

Fund4+5 Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/CGLwyskXr5Zusdp97

Use Discord

Pitch-Devs Channel https://discord.gg/eJySdx9n6r or use: @dev-for-hire to ping developers @designer-for-hire to ping designers

Official proposer guide: https://bit.ly/3AX2sxf Proposer guide by Anthony

Proposer TG channel: https://t.me/catalystproposers

Community web 1: https://projectcatalyst.org/resources/proposer

Community web 2: https://cardanocataly.st/proposers/

CA Guide (to know how proposals are evaluated in Fund5): https://bit.ly/3iTfWns

Read the guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oE_cnP0gksdAanXV4w5DYaDNp_tbYEvyHhTUG4HYZ3Q/edit

Submit your proposal: http://cardano.ideascale.com/

Catalyst announcement channel: https://t.me/cardanocatalyst

Catalyst Proposers channel on telegram: https://t.me/catalystproposers

Mietran0407 commented 3 years ago

In the #4 ETH meet-up, the Vietnamese breakout room has 12 people coming in, less than half as much as last week's meeting but we did have some informative conversation along with the community. We invited Steve Lockhart to share his proposal experience in the first 30 minutes. For the rest of the meeting, many people presented their submitted proposal with Q&A time. It was engaging and topic-focused.

YanTirta commented 3 years ago

In Indonesia's breakout room it was small group of 5, though one straggler did come by at the very end of the townhall. This person was very new to blockchain and held a long discussion with him. The breakout was a attended by a healthy mix of the regulars and newcomers. Discussion ranged from the early days of Cardano to the current developments spearheaded by Project Catalyst. Andy from Emurgo contributed a lot and created a great balance with the moderator, creating a casual yet educational discussions.