C4rlosM4tos / HOPE-crypto-ERC20

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hi carlos this is my new ethereum wallet #3

Closed rroopstr closed 3 years ago

rroopstr commented 3 years ago


rroopstr commented 3 years ago

carlos i think i made it hope is added to my brave browser 0 HOPE


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C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

change network to Fantom opera: 'brave: go to crypto wallets, top right corner select network, navigate to custom rpc, add the data provided by: https://docs.fantom.foundation/tutorials/set-up-metamask

if you change the network to Fantom, and you add the token contract (hope on fantom) to assets then you should see 1 Hope, and i also send you 0.5 ftm for fees... ps: 1 gas is enough

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

total market cap shows 2, but there is only 1... i might mint more later, but i'm still making the font-end... i'm doing this all for free, so i'm not very motivated... btw, everyone can mint hope, but it cost FTM to do so. the ftm is stored in the contract, if you want to sell hope, you can claim ftm back from the contract.... you will need to wait for my website, or you need to figure it out yourself how to

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

so its a bit confusing, but there is a hope coin backed by Eth running on the main chain of Eth, and listed on uniswap, that is not the coin i'm giving to you.... since fees on eth are so high, i decided to continue building on fantom

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

can you confirm you have hope?

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

let me check all you have responded

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

i succesfully created the fantom opera network on my wallet what is next

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

yes i have 0.5 FTM

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

why don't i have 1 i think we need to migrate all this discussion here and bitmex trollbox only for trading

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

but do you have 1 hope? see assets tap, if yhou don't see it, add the hope coin contract address, its on this github page at the bottom

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

CONTRACT RUNNING ON FANTOM CHAIN (live) 0x9f166e3d840FF8804AF9E867BA5Cfc1cd1cF2Ca1

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

don't forget to lower the gas when you use fantom, the plugin might suggest main net fees, 1 wei is enough

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

my assets tab has exactly 0.5 hope

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

success Account 1 / HOPE



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C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago


C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

i have no styles or layout yet, just playing around and testing what is possible (for me) you could help with art, colors, possible layouts... you now have the hope coin, but we still need to give it value...

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

ok what should i do now? keep it in the wallet i guess........

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

i might make some project page where you will be able to stake your hope coin, in reward you get the tokens from the project + your hope coin back (if you don't go through with funding, just staking it short time, but stuff for later)

rroopstr commented 3 years ago

i see what you mean..... i would need first to see who in my team is interested.... everyone is confused at me because they don't understand why i have a sudden emphasis in crypto, a lot of people just want to dismiss the subject.

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

i don't have a team... you would be the team ;)

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

there is a 2% difference between bid and ask price on the contract. that gap is added to the value of the coin, so hope should only go up, no matter if they buy or sell the coin... however, since its backed by ftm... if ftm goes to 0, so does hope. and the market cap of ftm is the virutal market cap of hope. (never going to happen ofc)

C4rlosM4tos commented 3 years ago

Venezuelans could make nft (erc721 cryptokitties art), and get paid in crypto when the item is sold. no need for borders or export... just to name any... i hope the people over there can see the value of blockchain and crypto.

also, you should be able to send hope to the people you want... hope has 18 decimals, so you can send 1*10**-18 hope if you want. its not much worth in terms of money, but you can see it as sending REAL HOPE, like we burn candles for people if we hope things for them ;). its also why i send you some FTM with it, otherwise you would need to buy ftm to move hope coins... just like you need to buy eth to move some ERC20 poopcoin... i'm not the smartest guy, but if you want to know anything then just ask and i will see if i know it or not :)