C5H12O5 / syno-videoinfo-plugin

A simple web scraping plugin for Synology Video Station
Apache License 2.0
257 stars 23 forks source link

The plugin does not work. Please check your Internet connection or check with the plugin developer. #4

Open valireality opened 6 months ago

valireality commented 6 months ago


DSM Version: DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 3 VideoStation Version: 3.1.1-3168

valireality commented 6 months ago

Is there any way to install the plugin manualy?

C5H12O5 commented 6 months ago

As far as I know, there is no manual installation method. This error is most likely caused by the Python runtime environment. The plugin is triggered by /usr/bin/env python3 command, make sure the corresponding Python version is between 3.7 and 3.11.

valireality commented 6 months ago
root@storage:~# python -V                                                        
Python 3.8.15                                                                    
valireality commented 6 months ago

it's the same issue with the new version 1.3.6 :(

ner00 commented 2 months ago

Python 2 is installed by default to support some other Synology apps, but I tried installing Python 3.9 and it doesn't work, also tried Python 3.8 from SynoCommunity and still doesn't work.

root@ner0-NAS:~# python -V
Python 3.8.15
ner00 commented 2 months ago

It's unfortunate that there is no way to install the plugin otherwise, there is an issue with Synology VideoStation which affects a lot of users like us that can't install plugins and instead get that "internet" "connection" error. I tried extracting the plugin manually and running it from SSH and it clearly works, unfortunately it still cannot be used within VideoStation.

root@NAS:~# /volume1/@appstore/VideoStation/plugins/syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7/run.sh --type movie --lang enu --input "{\"title\":\"Rocky\", \"season\": null}" --limit 2 --allowguess false
  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "title": "洛奇",
      "tagline": "Rocky",
      "original_available": "1976-12-03",
      "summary": "故事的灵感来源于1975年一个以卖酒维生的业余拳击手在跟拳王阿里的比赛中坚持了15个回合的新闻事件。主角洛奇居住在费城,平时靠帮人收债及健身房打短工过日子。他爱上了一个内向的女孩,粗犷中体现出一丝温柔。故事的主线是洛奇接受跟当时的世界冠军的一场比赛,他只有百万分之一的胜出希望,但仍全力以赴,虽败犹荣。",
      "certificate": "",
      "genre": [
      "actor": [
      "writer": [
      "director": [
      "extra": {
        "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": {
          "rating": {
            "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": 8.1
          "poster": [
          "backdrop": [
      "title": "屏住呼吸",
      "tagline": "Don't Breathe",
      "original_available": "2016-03-11",
      "summary": "三位小青年集体闯到了一个盲人家中打算行窃,但这群菜鸟没有想到的是,作为入侵者,他们却处在了被动的地位——虽然“主人”是一个盲人,但他的能力却十分惊人,绝非善类,不但身手了得还在地下室囚禁一名女子。他在枪杀了“抢劫团”的一个成员之后,另外两个人都吓疯了,不得不屏住呼吸奋力逃亡 。",
      "certificate": "",
      "genre": [
      "actor": [
      "writer": [],
      "director": [
      "extra": {
        "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": {
          "rating": {
            "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": 7.9
          "poster": [
          "backdrop": [
      "title": "洛奇 Rocky",
      "tagline": "",
      "original_available": "1976-12-03",
      "certificate": "",
      "genre": [
      "actor": [
        "西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone",
        "塔莉娅·夏尔 Talia Shire",
        "伯特·杨 Burt Young",
        "卡尔·韦瑟斯 Carl Weathers",
        "布吉斯·梅迪斯 Burgess Meredith",
        "斯坦·肖 Stan Shaw",
        "Jodi Letizia Jodi Letizia",
        "巴特卡斯·史泰龙 Butkus Stallone"
      "writer": [
        "西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone"
      "director": [
        "约翰·G·艾维尔森 John G. Avildsen"
      "extra": {
        "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": {
          "rating": {
            "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": 8.8
          "poster": [
          "backdrop": [
          "reference": {
            "imdb": "tt0075148"
      "summary": "洛基•巴尔博厄(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)是费城的过气拳击手。他空有拳击热忱,却只混杂于三流拳击赛中。一天,他对售货员艾黛丽安(塔里亚•希雷Talia Shire 饰)一见倾心,虽然这个姑娘长相一般,性格内向,却毫不阻碍洛奇对她爱得炽热。"
      "title": "狼与香辛料",
      "tagline": "狼と香辛料",
      "original_available": "2008-01-08",
      "summary": "到处旅行靠贩卖一些小商品为生的商人罗兰斯,从因为收获祭而沸腾的帕斯洛耶村回来后却发现自己的运货马车中貌似有什么东西在里面,罗兰斯把麦束拨开一看,里面却睡着一只长有狼耳和狼尾巴的少女。这位少女自称是“掌控丰收的贤狼——赫萝”,靠麦子为生的她如果脖子上挂的帕斯洛耶麦子遗失了就会死。赫萝死赖着劳伦斯希望他能够带她回到遥远的北方故乡,于是,狼女与商人“完全没有剑与魔法的”旅行由此展开……",
      "certificate": "",
      "genre": [
      "actor": [
      "writer": [
      "director": [
      "extra": {
        "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": {
          "rating": {
            "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": 7.8
          "poster": [
          "backdrop": [
      "title": "洛奇6:永远的拳王",
      "tagline": "Rocky Balboa",
      "original_available": "2006-12-20",
      "summary": "30年前,他是一个没有未来的男人,靠替别人发放高利贷维持生计……然而,瞎猫总能碰到死耗子,只要你足够坚持。一个偶然的机会,他作为一名业余拳击手去挑战世界冠军阿波罗·科瑞德,对于他来说,这恐怕是他生命中最重要的时刻了,无论输赢,他真正追求的只是一种坚持:对生命的坚持、对信仰的坚持、对爱的坚持。正是他在生活中乃至拳击赛场上的勇气与信念,给了无数个曾经像他一样的平凡人以希望--他就是洛奇·巴尔博亚。\r\n\r\n  如今,30年过去了,曾经的荣耀也随着时间消散在空气中,洛奇,这个曾被称为“意大利种马”的传奇拳击手,现在却是行将就木,每个夜晚都在自己开的餐馆中缅怀那些逝去的故事……每一个版本的故事中,艾德里安这个名字都被无数次提起,这个曾经伴随洛奇走过了无数风雨的伟大女人,因为癌症而过早地离开了深爱的丈夫和儿子,留下洛奇孤独一人黯然神伤,而他们的儿子罗伯特,自从母亲去世后,已经有几个月的时间不曾和父亲说过话了,罗伯特的有意回避,令洛奇更加伤感。确实,时间的无情与失去至亲的打击不仅压抑着洛奇的生活,还让他的拳头不再犀利、肩膀不再有力,几乎是带走了他的一切。不过,他内心深处时常迸发出的情感与愤怒,却在提醒着他,自己是多么渴望重新回到拳击舞台上。\r\n\r\n  没有了洛奇的拳坛同样是波澜不惊,新一代重量级拳王梅森·狄克逊虽然因为他的头衔而过着轻松安逸的生活,其实私下里着实苦恼不已:他的粉丝似乎没有想象中那般拥戴他,这主要归咎于他一直没有碰到过旗鼓相当的对手,所以,属于他的激动人心的时刻一直都没有到来……直到一款仿真的拳击电脑游戏的问世,游戏中分别将梅森和洛奇这两代拳王设置在同一个擂台中对决,于是,疑问产生了:如果他们真正地面对面,谁会取得胜利呢?是梅森那熟练精准的直拳?还是洛奇的激情和粗糙的力量?梅森的经纪人灵机一动,决定策动两代拳王的世纪大战,不但可以提升梅森的人气,同时还可以帮助拳击界走出低迷的尴尬期……不过在洛奇看来,不管这场比赛是游戏还是玩笑,他都将其当成了命运之神赐予自己的第二次机会,他要做出一生中的最后一搏,为了自己,也为了所爱的人。",
      "certificate": "",
      "genre": [
      "actor": [
      "writer": [
      "director": [
      "extra": {
        "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": {
          "rating": {
            "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7": 7.3
          "poster": [
          "backdrop": [
ner00 commented 2 months ago

Added the plugin manually by extracting its content into /volume1/@appstore/VideoStation/plugins/syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7

Then editing /var/packages/VideoStation/etc/plugin.conf and adding an entry for the plugin:

  "home_video": {
    "metadata": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "prepare": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "similar": []
  "movie": {
    "metadata": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.TheMovieDb",
        "name": "The Movie Database"
        "default": false,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7",
        "name": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7"
    "prepare": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "similar": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.TheMovieDb"
        "default": false,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7",
        "name": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7"
  "tv_record": {
    "metadata": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "prepare": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "similar": []
  "tvshow": {
    "metadata": [
        "default": true,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.TheMovieDb",
        "name": "The Movie Database"
        "default": false,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7",
        "name": "syno-videoinfo-plugin-1.3.7"
    "prepare": [
        "default": false,
        "enable": true,
        "id": "com.synology.FileAssets"
    "similar": []
  "version": 2


I can access the web interface on port 5125, unfortunately it still doesn't retrieve any metadata; i suspect that while connection test fails the plugins never actually contact the API destinations.