C7-Game / Prototype

An early-stage, open-source 4X strategy game
MIT License
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Add Some Background Music #404

Open QuintillusCFC opened 1 year ago

QuintillusCFC commented 1 year ago

I finally got around to collecting some music for C7, all with a compatible license, citations properly made, and so forth. It's only about 25 minutes' worth so far but we probably don't have enough gameplay to keep people up till the sun rises yet, so it'll work as a proof-of-concept.

Now it just needs to be added to the game.

Composer list so far:

30,000 foot view, I envision eventually having "legacy" (play local music from your favorite Civ installation or other compatible game) and "C7" options (play music that ships with C7), and eventually having the option to customize your soundtrack. To do so we'll have to store some categorization data. For example, the default sound track might be "orchestral", but you could choose "piano" if you prefer. We could also stick to mostly "andante", "soave", and other relatively slow, low-dynamic-range pieces by default (which is what Soren wrote that he found worked best after listening to a lot of music while writing strategy games, and I can understand why), but with options to have whole pieces with all movements, or to put a little more weight on the heavier pieces. The full nine yards would allowing selectively disabling individual pieces, making certain pieces more likely in certain situations (e.g. Europa Universalis plays certain pieces more often based on whether you are at war or peace, or where your empire is located geographically).

But, for now, having 5-10 pieces would be a nice demonstration for Carthage and provide a foundation to build upon.

WildWeazel commented 1 year ago

Since we're on the topic, I'll share this playlist where I've been collecting potential soundtracks. Obviously there's so much royalty-free music out there to choose from, but this is a small sample that "feels like" Civ to me. The last one, Earthquake, is one I've mentioned before as a possible menu/intro track. The catch will be making sure we can redistribute the actual audio files, which of course is easiest for public domain or creative commons music.
