`[02/15/2024 01:07:00.22 ] Mangasee | Retrieving chapter-info Chapter Like Wind on a Dry Branch bGlrZXdpbmRvbmFkcnlicmFuY2gyMDIw 27 Publication Like Wind on a Dry Branch bGlrZXdpbmRvbmFkcnlicmFuY2gyMDIw
[02/15/2024 01:07:42.658] ChromiumDownl | Could not load Page:
One or more errors occurred. (Timeout of 10000 ms exceeded)`
Not sure if this is because each chapter has like 100+
`[02/15/2024 01:07:00.22 ] Mangasee | Retrieving chapter-info Chapter Like Wind on a Dry Branch bGlrZXdpbmRvbmFkcnlicmFuY2gyMDIw 27 Publication Like Wind on a Dry Branch bGlrZXdpbmRvbmFkcnlicmFuY2gyMDIw
[02/15/2024 01:07:42.658] ChromiumDownl | Could not load Page:
One or more errors occurred. (Timeout of 10000 ms exceeded)`
Not sure if this is because each chapter has like 100+