Downloading a chapter that is linked to external website like jnovel generates a 1kb cbz file.
What im expecting to happen is only download the chapter that is hosted on mangadex or if the chapter is only available for external site reading it should skip the chapter and do not generate a 1kb cbz file.
[03/31/2024 23:58:27.918] JobBoss | Next job in -00:00:00.0000002 Tranga.Jobs.DownloadChapter-bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=-7
[03/31/2024 23:58:28.19 ] MangaDex | Copy cover Publication Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=
[03/31/2024 23:58:28.20 ] MangaDex | Cover exists Publication Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=
[03/31/2024 23:58:28.20 ] MangaDex | Retrieving chapter-info Chapter Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg= 7 Publication Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=
[03/31/2024 23:58:30.206] MangaDex | Downloading Images for /Manga/Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai/Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai - Vol.2 Ch.7.cbz
[03/31/2024 23:58:30.207] MangaDex | Creating archive /Manga/Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai/Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai - Vol.2 Ch.7.cbz
[03/31/2024 23:58:30.225] JobBoss | Removing Tranga.Jobs.DownloadChapter-bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=-7 Chapter: Chapter Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg= 7
[03/31/2024 23:58:30.225] DownloadChapt | Cancelling Tranga.Jobs.DownloadChapter-bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=-7 Chapter: Chapter Lady Rose wa Heimin ni Naritai bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg= 7
[03/31/2024 23:58:30.225] JobBoss | Deleting Job-file /usr/share/tranga-api/jobs/Tranga.Jobs.DownloadChapter-bGFkeXJvc2V3YWhlaW1pbm5pbmFyaXRhaTIwMTg=-7.json
What is broken?
Downloading a chapter that is linked to external website like jnovel generates a 1kb cbz file.
What im expecting to happen is only download the chapter that is hosted on mangadex or if the chapter is only available for external site reading it should skip the chapter and do not generate a 1kb cbz file.
Test based on this manga:
Additional stuff
No response