I can't rebind external/host port for tranga-api in docker-compose.yml from "6531:6531" to for example "4006:6531". I think it has something to do with the tranga-website service using browser connected ip and hard-coded port "6531" in Website/apiConnector.js to connect to tranga-api.
You could make the port variable and let it be set in tranga/settings.json file that is already used for download location and working directory settings. Or make usage of docker networks and connect to the tranga-api through internal ports and service names.
I can't rebind external/host port for tranga-api in docker-compose.yml from "6531:6531" to for example "4006:6531". I think it has something to do with the tranga-website service using browser connected ip and hard-coded port "6531" in Website/apiConnector.js to connect to tranga-api.
You could make the port variable and let it be set in tranga/settings.json file that is already used for download location and working directory settings. Or make usage of docker networks and connect to the tranga-api through internal ports and service names.