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screen level temperatures for tall canopies #154

Closed penguian closed 6 years ago

penguian commented 7 years ago

keyword_screen_level_maygit resolution_fixed type_defect | by inh599

The diagnostic calculations of screen level conditions in the case of tall canopies (where z_screen_level < displacement height) is incorrect - see attached.

The code for this - in the screen level part of cable_canopy (and the screen_level_SSEB subroutine with the REV_CORR and SSEB packages) should be modified from

IF( zscl(j) < rough%disp(j) ) THEN

r_sc(j) = term5(j) LOG(zscl(j)/rough%z0soilsn(j)) & ( EXP(2C%CSWcanopy%rghlai(j)) - term1(j) ) / term3(j)


IF( zscl(j) < rough%disp(j) ) THEN

r_sc(j) = term5(j) LOG(zscl(j)/rough%z0soilsn(j)) & ( EXP(2C%CSWcanopy%rghlai(j)) – term2(j) ) / term3(j) r_sc(j) = r_sc(j) + term5(j) LOG(rough%disp(j) /rough%z0soilsn(j) & ( EXP(2C%CSWcanopy%rghlai(j)) – term1(j) ) / term3(j)

Issue migrated from trac:154 at 2023-11-27 11:21:32 +1100

penguian commented 7 years ago _uploaded file CABLE_screen_level_pt1.pdf (73.5 KiB)_

screen level fixes pt1

penguian commented 6 years ago changed status from new to closed

penguian commented 6 years ago changed resolution from ` tofixed`

penguian commented 6 years ago changed milestone from 6. Report to 1. Closed

penguian commented 1 year ago changed keywords from screen level to screen level maygit